The First Task

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You hadn't really spoken to Fred about what happened between the two of you. You did act slightly more awakened when around him though. You wondered what could have happened if Hermione didn't interrupt you.

You were all getting ready for the first task, you looked into the common room and saw George was wearing his hat, the one Fred gave you you last winter. You went back into your room and took the hat downstairs.

You poked Fred's shoulder, he turned, "here." You said holding out the hat, "George can't be wearing his, with you not wearing yours." You said smiling, wanting him to take back the hat.

"Why does y/n have it anyways?" George asked, looking at the hat.

"Well I gave it to her when we gave Harry you know what." He was referencing the map.

"Oh okay, we should head soon." George replied.

"Are you sure taking bets is a good idea boys?" You asked.

"Positively. Who better to take bets then ourselves, plus we want to try win back some of what Bagman took from us." George said to you.

"I told you I would give you what you don't have, I want to do this for you two." You said, desperate to help them get their joke shop.

"Y/n, we've both told you. We don't want to take your money off you, we will find a way." Fred told you.

"Okay then." You held up your hands, showing you will accept what they say.

You began walking towards your seats in the stadium, walking with the twins as they gathered bets, "bets bets place your bets!", "bets taken here!"

"Thanks guys, I'm now deaf." You said, as they shouted in your ear.

They took a few more bets off students from all schools, before you found your places. You began tapping your, foot, knowing Cedric was up first.

"Don't worry y/n, he'll be fine." Fred reassured you.

"What if he's not though, who decides to make children fight dragons, it's stupid." You blurted.

"The ministry are stupid, just try and enjoy it." He added. You nodded and waited for the cannon to signify the start of the tasks.

You waited a couple of minutes before the cannon sounded, loud chants of "Diggory" surrounded you.

You lightly clapped watching him emerge from a cave like area. You stood over watching as he used spells against the dragon, dodging its fire. You stood on edge watching cheering him on.

It didn't take too long for him to retrieve his egg, showing it to the crowds. He turned and looked at you smiling unconditionally, you mouthed "well done" clapping and cheering for him.

"I told you he'd be okay." Fred smugly said. You elbowed him, watching as Fleur now walked out to compete. She was a little more scared, you could see it in her face. Her dragon was much more tame however.

After she retrieved her egg, Krum came out to do the same task, with his dragon. He quickly retrieved his golden egg. Meaning it was now Harry's turn.

"Freddie, Georgie I'm nervous again." You said.

"Y/n he will be fine, it's Harry Potter he literally cannot be killed." George told you.

"I second that. However, that dragon does look a little bit intimidating." Fred added.

"Thanks Fred, that really calms me." You rolled your eyes watching Harry nervously entered the arena. We all cheered, until he started moving toward the egg, making us all turn silent.

We all watched as he was almost crushed by the tail of the horntail. You gasped, turning your body away.

"I can't watch this, I feel like I'm going to vomit out my heart." You said as everyone jumped.

"Y/n you have to watch." Fred told you, grabbing your shoulders and putting you in front of him.

You looked over and saw George looking at you in front of Fred, smirking and raising an eyebrow, you shook your head looking back into the arena.

You felt the fires heat hit your face, as the dragon tried to hit Harry. You looked up and saw Fred using binoculars, to look closer at the task.

The dragon tried hitting Harry multiple times more, making you flinch. "Calm down darling." Fred leant down. He put his arms onto your shoulders watching the rest of the task. You watched as Harry got flung, "I don't like this at all, I don't want to watch this. The others had it so much easier."

"Turn around and don't watch it then y/n, I'll tell you if he loses a limb." Fred said, turning you round to face him.

"Okay, don't give me the details though." You replied now facing Fred, "bit awkward this, I'm just watching you." You giggled.

"Problem with that?"

"Guys, can you go lust for each other else where, I'm trying to watch the task." George said.

"Oh shut it." You replied.

"You're wand Harry! Your wand!" You heard Hermione shout.

You felt a wind hitting the back of your body.

"Is that a broom?" You asked pointing at one coming over the arena.

"Yeah, it's Harry's fire bolt, look." Fred turned you round once more to see Harry jumping onto his fire bolt. We all cheered as he jumped on, trying to grab the egg, but he missed.

"Oh my god." You said watching the dragon break free, as Harry began flying off.

It followed him, breaking the commentator tent.

"Well done Dragon!" Fred shouted cheering as it chased him, George shouting and cheering alongside him.

"Boys stop, don't be so insensitive." You stated, hitting both their arms.

"Sorry miss Bardot." George said, you hit his arm again.

Everyone stood confused, hearing the echo of the dragons wings flying through the sky.

"Well now I'm worried again. He's going to get eaten."

"Y/n need I remind you, he's on a firebolt, he will be fine." Fred told you.

"Freddie, why do you keep saying this, you don't know that." You replied.

"Well you're a half empty kind of girl aren't you." He mocked.

You all waited, hearing the sound of the dragon inching closer, until it fell silent. You turned around to look at Fred's face, he did look a little concerned, turning to George- he looked worried too.

"Look!" You pointed, it was Harry on a broom that was barely holding up.

"I told you." Fred proudly told you.

Everyone erupted into another loud cheer as Harry claimed his golden egg.

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