In Remembrance

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You began to feel the consciousness entering your body again. You felt dizzy, you had hit your head on something, badly.

You slowly opened your eyes to see a few people surrounding the area, then you felt the body pressed against yours, arms loosely wrapped around your body. Fred.

You flinched in pain as you tried to move, seeing the rubble that surrounded you. This explosion was set out in order to kill the person you loved the most.

"George, look she's waking up." You heard a voice say.

"Oh thank god."

The voices were somewhat echoing through your head as you tried to sit up.

You put your hand to your temple and saw blood, but that didn't matter at all. It was time to look at him. Find out if he was dead or alive.

You slowly turned your head, feeling tears already running down your cheeks.

"Oh no, no please." You begged, seeing Fred laying there with little to no life left in his body.

At that sight you felt no more weakness in your body. You sat up fully and moved, holding Fred in your lap.

He had protected you from the explosion. He was the reason you weren't dead in the middle of Hogwarts.

"Freddie, come on. Wake up." You cried, brushing your hand across his dusted cheek. You tried to find a pulse in his neck, using your other hand to find a heart beat.

"Y/n.." George came up behind you, also quite dusty and with a few cuts.

"Don't say what I think you're going to say George." You warned, looking up at him with the pain drowning your body.

You found his heart beat. It was weak, but it was there.

"Freddie please, it's not over. We're not over." You knelt yourself up tried shaking his body a little bit trying to wake him from his unconsciousness.

You had to move some rubble to clear space around him.

"Is he?" George began asking. Putting both his hands on the back of his neck and turning away.

"No. I won't let him." You replied.

You kept your fingers on his neck to keep a feel of his pulse as you tried to think of something to help. You had to act fast, his pulse was now barely there.

You were thinking back to any spells that could work here, yet they'd be dangerous you had never used a healing spell to this extent before.

"Georgie I have an idea it could be stupid and dangerous but I'm losing him here." You exclaimed, trying to calm down your tears.

He didn't say anything but looked empty as the thought of his twin brother being dead flowed through the body.

"George look at me." You ordered. He slowly looked down, "he will be okay, I will not let anything happen to him." You looked down at your promise ring and took out your wand, "rennervate." You said quietly as a red light came out of your wand and through Fred's system. You still had a hand on his chest feeling his heart beat as it began to fasten. You were waking him out of his unconscious state.

It hasn't fully worked though. You had never used any larger healing spells before so it was all quite risky.

You heard people coming towards you. You raised your self up waiting for them to come around the corner.

"What's wrong?" George asked.

"I know that voice." You whispered.

"Who-" George began asking.

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