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I know that this happens after Hogsmeade but like my story my rules lol :p I just liked how it flowed with it before.

This week had been strange. Lupin was fine and well teaching us all you needed to know, until one day Snape was teaching the class about Werewolves and Animagus'. But forgetting all of that, it was Quidditch day.

Gryffindor were meant to be against Slytherin in this match yet their seeker was apparently in no fit state to be playing Quidditch, after an incident with Hagrid's Hippogriff, so they were against Hufflepuff (to which Oliver was furious over).

You waited in the stands with Charlotte waiting for the game to take place.

"This weather is unfit for Quidditch to take place, don't you think?" You asked Charlotte, fear filling my voice.

"I'm sure they would cancel it if it was not suitable to play in." She replied trying to ease your nerves.

You nodded your head.

"AND THE GAMES BEGUN." Lee shouted from his commentator box.

We sat watching the quaffles being scored, the twins hitting away bludgers, god you hated this game.

Just then you noticed Harry had seen the snitch, along with Hufflepuffs new captain, Cedric Diggory. They both darted in attempt to get the snitch but neither one had been successful as of yet.

We all cheered as Harry was close to the stands centimetres away from grabbing the snitch, to win the game. But it went up, the snitch flew up into the sky followed by Harry and Cedric.

Because of the weather you were all waiting for the seeker with the snitch to come down. And that they did. Cedric was falling out the sky, his hair frazzled and broom slightly lit, with no snitch. Harry was still up there.

You looked onto the pitch and noticed Fred assessing the fear on your face. After the boggart incident, you had opened up to him about what your father had done, only once, but once was enough to make you flinch at the sight of him. He listened to you, and it felt nice being able to talk about it with someone.

He gave you a thumbs up and a smile, to which you replied with a smile back- as he continued the game.

Not long after you noticed something else falling from the sky,

"Is that Harry?" Charlotte asked in slight worry.

"Oh my gosh! He's unconscious." you said, fear radiating your body once again.

Just before he was to hit the ground Dumbledore hit him with a spell making his body halt, before hitting the floor.

The match didn't stop however, Diggory had caught the snitch- meaning Gryffindor lost. You looked over and saw Wood was almost in tears, he went off in a strop. The rest of the team, along with the Hufflepuff team lowered from their brooms talking to Hooch before going back to their locker room.

You ran down from the stands to find out what happened to Harry. You were told that he was in the infirmary. As you got there you saw the twins. They were stood over Harry, still in their Quidditch uniform.

"Is he okay?" You questioned walking closer.

"Pomfrey said he's fine and should wake up soon." George answered.

You stood next to Fred looking down at the boy as more people came in. We were all peering down at Harry.

"Looks a bit peaky." Ron said.

"State the obvious Ronald." You snapped back.

"Peaky? What do you expect him to look like? He fell 50 feet." Fred pointed out to his younger brother.

"Yeah, c'mon, Ron. We'll walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see how you come out looking." George added.

You had noticed Harry had begun twitching his eyes, meaning he was waking up, "Probably a right sight better than he normally does." With that everyone giggled and let out sighs of relief.

"Gave us a right old scare there mate." George said to the boy, sitting next to his bed.

Everyone was talking to Harry about the dementor attack, and the loss of Harry's broom.

"How's Wood taking the loss?" Harry asked to us all.

"Oh I had to drag him out the showers, he was trying to drown himself." You chipped in to say.

He laughed slightly before realising you weren't quite joking.

They continued to talk as you noticed Fred struggling to undo his arm guard strap he still had on. You did want to help him but being honest, it was one of those things that just was a little bit hot. You stopped looking at his hands and looked up at his face, he was laughing at you- noticing that you were watching him struggle.

After talking for a little while longer, Pomfrey shooed you all out of the infirmary, as you had to get back to the common room.

"Ah shit, I've left my jumper in the locker rooms." Fred stopped in his tracks to say.

"Go get it then." You sarcastically responded.

"For that you are obliged to come with me." He looked at you to say.

You rolled my eyes, "fine."

We walked across the pitch to get to the locker room.

"Smells like wet mud in here." You said scrunching my nose.

"You need to stop staring at me Bardot." Fred told me.

You blushed ever so slightly at his words, while also being taken back by them.

You know he wanted you to play along in a sense with a cliche 'what if I don't' but you didn't want to do that, "okay?" You started to look around the locker room, "you got your stuff now?" You questioned him, with impatience filling your voice.

"Uh..yes. Right let's go." With that he walked past you. Signalling for you to turn and follow.

You walked through the hallways, Fred seeming tense as he walked.

"You okay Freddie?" His shoulders dropped slightly at your words.

He turned to face you, "of course."

You both got to the common room door, "Caput Draconis." The portrait opened.

As you walked in George was sitting with Lee, talking about the match.

"You 2 need to get a shower." You said looking between the 2 twins.

"Dibs first!" George shouted before bolting to their dorm.

"That's not fair!" Fred shouted back about to run after him. You grabbed his arm and pulled him back before he got away. 

"You can just use mine." You offered.

He looked down at you smiling up at him, "You sure?"

You looked him up and down, pulling a disgusted face, "One hundred percent." You said to him before running off to your room, as he tried to keep up. Lee sitting on the sofa turned to watch you both, before shaking his head and continuing an essay he was doing.

"Welcome in, welcome in." You said ushering him in, "my bathroom is in there, obviously, get showered." You looked him up and down again with the same disgusted face, "please." You both laughed as he went into the bathroom.

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