The Yule Ball

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24th December 1994
Christmas Eve, the day of the Yule Ball. Everyone in the castle was more exited then ever for the ball, taking place in the evening.

You had spoken to Adrian, he was going to be outside your common room at 7:55pm, ready to escort you to the ball. Fred seemed as though he was somewhat avoiding you, planning his date with Angelina or whatever else.

Charlotte had agreed to go to the ball with Lee, she was open in admitting that she was going to use him to make some other boys that want her, jealous.

You had spent all day making sure your dress was still perfect and trying to figure out what you were going to do for hair and makeup.

You offered Hermione to get ready in your room, since you had your own dorm and she didn't have another close girl, friend, to get ready with.

You heard a knock, it was Hermione.

"Should we get ready now?" She softy asked, holding her dress over her arm.

"Yes, come in." You said standing from your vanity, inviting her in, "do you want me to help you in any way?"

"May you help me with my hair, I have no clue what I should do with it." She asked.

"Hermione, I would be honoured to do your hair."

You sat her onto your vanity chair and began to pin up pieces of her hair at the top, curling the pieces that fell, framing her face and draping at the back.

"Y/n it's beautiful, I'll do the rest. If you need my help please don't be scared to give me a shout." She said.

"Thanks Hermione. Get into that dress, it won't be long until we need to leave." You said sitting down to do your own hair.

You decided to leave it down, curling it loosely, pinning some pieces at the sides- to keep them out your face.

You wanted your dress to do the talking so you didn't do a crazy deal when it came down to your makeup. You made sure you looked blemish free, and all your best facial features were accentuated.

You turned and saw that Hermione was now fully dressed and ready for the ball.

"Mione you look beautiful." You said admiring her look.

"Y/n come on we need to get you into your dress. It's almost time to leave."

"Okay, you may need to help me slightly, might need you to zip me up." You said unzipping the dress from its bag.

"It's so beautiful." She said walking closer to it.

"Okay, you're going to need to turn for a second I have to start getting dressed." She obeyed and faced the wall.

You took off the clothes you were wearing, changing into the lingerie, you had bought during the summer that matched your dress, before slipping the dress onto your body.

(This is the dress I found and love if you don't have one to envision, it's the same one from quite a few chapters ago)

(This is the dress I found and love if you don't have one to envision, it's the same one from quite a few chapters ago)

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