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Over the weekend you had gone down to Hogsmeade with Adrian, it was fun. You were able to talk a lot more openly about things. You also decided it would be best if you just stayed at the castle during the Easter break.
It was now your last lesson before you were to go for lunch.

"Now, as I have told you all. We will be brewing and making reports on a very special type of potion today. Amortentia. Practically all of your done your reports. I suggest you take out your books and begin working immediately." Snape said.

You didn't hesitate to open your book to the amortentia page and walk to get your supplies. You took everything you needed and put it onto your section of the desk. You began working as quickly as you could, hoping to get it done or perfecting it if it was to go wrong.

You now had to let it sit and brew for a little while with a lid on. You were all under strict instruction to keep your lids on or some things could go terribly wrong within the classroom.

After it had been brewing you saw everyone on your table had also finished or were on the last steps. You went to Snape and took some of his recording sheets and put them in the middle of the table.

"Thanks y/n." You heard Charlotte say. You shot your head up and glared right through her. You could see in her face she felt a little threatened by you but she tried to keep a brave face.

After some time you were ready. The book said to not leave the top off for longer than needed. So you just had to smell it and record what it is that you smell.

"Class, we have our first person done. I know a few people have finished it so I want them to say out loud what it is they smell." Snape suggested.

This could be quite embarrassing.

"Adrian Pucey, we will start with you."

"Uh- sure. Uhm I smell expensive perfume, leather and.... lavender." Adrian said, he looked quite shocked and put his lid back on.

Lavender, that can't be me, right?

"Who's done on this table?" Snape asked, turning sharply to our table raising an eyebrow.

You all had finished the potion do you all raised your hands slightly.

"Miss Chantey. You first."

"I smell, fresh linen, a strong sweet smell and cinnamon." Charlotte replied.

You thought about what she said and thought could that be fred? Do they actually like each other like that?

"Miss Bardot?!" Snape said, "please pay attention. You're next."

"I smell a campfire, cologne, wet mud, gunpowder and cinnamon." You almost stuttered reading out what you smelt, you knew exactly who it was, it was Fred. There was no denying it. You felt eyes on you, other people knew who you smelt- including the person you smelt. You just looked down to your page and tried to ignore it.

"Mr Weasley, Fred that is. You go."

"Okay, I smell uhm, coconut, perfume I think that is, roses, fire and... lavender. And a strong scent of it at that." You heard his pause before saying lavender and his voice directed exactly at you. You felt almost embarrassed. You didn't have any way to react other than a sense of confusion. You had to try and resist every urge to act as if everything was okay, but it wasn't.

You had to write up the results from your potion. You looked up and saw Fred looking through his eyebrows to you, with a sympathetic edge.

As the class came to an end you went to the bathrooms before going towards the library, avoiding anyone, to get a book for study hall.

As you were walking to the section of muggle non fiction books you heard some similar voices. Fred and Charlotte. You decided to listen in for a second.

"Fred, look. It's not that big of a deal. She's being all stuck up. You didn't do anything wrong, neither have I, I've realised that why can't you." Charlotte said.

"Char, it's not like that. She won't even talk to me." Fred replied.

"Listen. If she doesn't want to accept tour apologies than what else can we do. Let her continue acting like a petty bitch. I don't care anymore." 

That when you decided to walk straight through them both to grab your book. You looked down and shoved past them both.

"Oh shit. Y/n." Charlotte said stuttering.

"Sorry, are you talking to me now. Or about me still." You turned.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. She's just acting out." Fred tried to defend.

"Oh great. So you're defending each other now. Fuck off. The both of you." You shoved past again.

As you were waking away you heard Charlotte practically begging to talk, you just stuck your middle finger up and kept walking, trying to seem confident. When in reality it was crushing you more.

You checked out the book you had taken off the shelf and made your way into the great hall. After sitting, trying to forget again you saw Charlotte entering with Fred. She walked past looking guilty as sin whereas Fred was following his eyes on you as he walked past. Frowning.

Why is Charlotte being like this. We've never argued. After all this time was she just being two faced? This break couldn't come faster.

Little bit of a shorter chapter because I didn't have much to cover. Hope it's still fine with yall xox
Also please let me know any feedback on my book I'm really invested in all your comments x

Stay safe and well!!
-i <33

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