Summer with You

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During the summer you hadn't really seen much of fred, he would apparate occasionally to see you at your house or invite you for tea at the burrow, but other than that he was absent.

You sat on your sofa watching some tv feeling rather lonely. You knew you were going to stay at the burrow for the rest of summer, fromthe next day- making you feel very excited to be with Fred and George everyday again.

You were sat alone feeling fairly taunting. You decided to do something similar to what you did a couple of months ago. You walked to your room and took your camera off of your dresser, proceeding to remove your top and bralette. You laid on your bed and took a couple of Polaroids. You found the one that look the best and clipped it to a letter.

I'm here all alone- waiting to be with you again. I hope you receive this letter well.

Can't wait to be with you soon lover boy,
All my love y/n Bardot x

You enclosed the letter- charming it so it can only be opened by whom it is addressed to.

You walked over to your window and called on your owl, he came up to you- you gave him a treat before giving him the letter and sending him to the burrow.

You sat back down on your sofa finishing the tv show you were watching. Your head turned at the sound of your home phone ringing.

"Hello?" You said answering.

"Y/n darling, you're being a bit risky tonight aren't you?" Fred said quietly through the phone.

"Ah, you got my letter I see."

"I did indeed. My mum tried to open it- lucky you charmed it. But now she's raising questions." You still hadn't let your relationship slip to their family.

"It's for you eyes only Fred, all of me is for your eyes only." You replied.

"God you're making it so hard for me to not come round right now." He sighed.

"Why can't you?" You asked.

"Mum has George and I doing everything for her round the house before you come over. But we will get some time alone- I promise darling." He answered with a sincere tone.

"We better, I've missed you freddie."

"I've missed you too darling- I have to go mums coming down, I'll see you tomorrow y/n." He said.

"I'll see you tomorrow love." You hung up and decided to just go to bed- as the following day will come quicker.

The next morning you woke up and got ready like normal. You ate your breakfast out in your garden enjoying the warm summer air, getting ready to get to the burrow.

You got showered and dressed, getting into a summery dress and taking your trunk from your room. It was now the afternoon, you locked up your house, got your wand and stood into your chimney, using the floo network to the Weasley house.

As you stood out of the fireplace you noticed no one was around, the back door was open. Looking out of the kitchen window you saw the family outside enjoying the summer morning weather.

You decided not to bother them and unpack your stuff in the twins room. Their floors were covered in store designs and product stock sheets. You were going to be attending the grand opening of their store, both Fred and George were being extremely secretive over what they were doing with the store, and didn't want you to see anything until it was practically ready to be opened.

You finished putting your clothes in the spare drawer and space left in the wardrobe, before taking a book and going back down the stairs, you could hear the weasleys were all still in their garden- now with water buckets and water guns. You smiled out seeing how they all were with eachother- bringing back that feeling of family love into your life.

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