The day before tomorrow

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It was the day before the quidditch World Cup. It was all you thought about. You had never been to a big event like this, well not one that didn't involve dresses and uncomfortable, forced talking.

"How many people will be there?" You asked Fred eagerly.

"Thousands darling."

You widened your eyes slightly before helping Fred with more of his summer homework.

"Right, time for you to all go pick up Harry." Molly said, entering the kitchen.

"Would you mind if I stayed back, I don't want to be near another toxic household just yet." You asked her.

"No worries y/n, it will be nice for a little girly chat." Molly almost whispered, while smiling.

Soon after Arthur walked in with ron and George.

"Right boys, let's go. We haven't got all day." Arthur said stepping into the fireplace.

"Dad we kind of do." George said before looking over at his brother.

They were almost making signals to each other, without using words. They did this all the time. They thought they were being sneaky, but you could tell they were scheming every time.

Arthur shouted Harry's address, closely followed by Ron, Fred then George.

"So y/n. The other day. I saw something, the same day you went out on your own. You went and met a boy." Molly suddenly exclaimed to you. She was talking about the hickey Fred had given to you. Shit. How do I explain this one.

"So who did you meet? You don't have to tell me, but since we're both women, I thought maybe you'd like to share." She added.

"Oh uhm." Your face began going red, with sheer embarrassment. "It was my ex boyfriend. We uhm bumped into each other you know." You made up, hoping she would leave it there.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend, what was his name?" She questioned, you knew she would keep going on if you didn't come up with something.

"Adrian Pucey, yeah we uhm broke up a few weeks before school broke up." You said. Why would I say Adrian, god I hope she bought it.

"Say nothing more, I suspect they will all be back soon." Molly stood up, walking to the kitchen.

Not long after, the boys all came back, except Arthur.

"Why you laughing?" You sternly said to Fred and George.

Fred turned his hand around showing one of their new inventions, ton tongue toffee. You widened your eyes, knowing how much trouble they were going to be in.

"Hello, Harry dear." Molly said walking into the living room, "why didn't you boys tell me y/n had a boyfriend."

Your eyes widened.

"She did?" Fred said bluntly looking down at you.

"Yeah remember Adrian, we broke up at the start of summer." You widened your eyes at the twins, in hope they would notice and agree.

"Oh yes. I remember, didn't really talk to him much. Kind of a douche." George said, then turning to you looking highly confused.

"Yeah. She did." Fred said staring straight forward with barely any emotion.

Mr Weasley then appeared within the fire place, the twins looked worried as he began walking to them.

"Hey, Ron why don't we both show Harry to your room. " You suggested, knowing Molly would shout.

"Great idea." Ron replied.

"Come on now Harry." You grabbed his wrist and dragged him up the stairs.

After reaching rons room the shouting had already begun, and it could be heard even from practically the roof of the house.

You shot up and closed the door.

"Y/n you okay?" Ron asked, noticing your nervous state.

"You look a bit frightened." Harry added, gaining an elbow to the stomach from Ron.

By now the whole Weasley family knew about your father and the vault, but you were glad they weren't treating you any differently.

"Uhm, yeah I'll be fine."

You began to swipe your finger over your knuckles before sitting down again, on the bed.

Soon the fighting and shouting stopped, and Molly was climbing the stairs to the twins room- ransacking all of the products and order sheets. 

Soon after it was all over you went back downstairs, Fred and George were sitting on the couch looking completely slumped.

"Hey guys." You said quietly going to sit with them.

"Y/n." Fred said, not shifting his eyes.

"So you going to tell us why mum was asking those weird things earlier? And why we had to say you dated Pucey?" George asked.

"Uhm well, funny story that. Basically she saw something and I had to lie." Please leave it at that George please leave it at that.

"What was it?" He added.

"Uhm, it was something on my neck." You awkwardly laughed, as Fred widened his eyes. He had realised.

"George don't pressure her." Fred told George, knowing he would stop asking about it.

You spent the day, continuing to help Fred and George finish their homework, trying extra hard to get their products back.

"Boys." You whispered. "I knew you would mess up somehow. I hid a few of each product in my trunk."

They both shot their heads up, smiling like idiots.

After a long day of practically tutoring, you were to sit for dinner.

"Okay Weasleys, Bardots and potters. Granger is getting hers early tomorrow, yes?" Harry and Ron replied nodding, "perfect, I want everyone up nice and early we have to meet someone, and we have to walk there so please don't make us late."

You all agreed and finished your food before taking it in turns to shower and get ready for bed.

George was in the shower, as you laid on your bed, reading a book.

"Darling, please tell me every single thing about the Adrian thing isn't true." Fred said walking into the room.

You closed your book, "Every single thing about the Adrian thing isn't true, I had to lie. Your mum saw the hickey and was practically forcing me to tell her who gave it to me. I didn't think you'd want me saying that her son gave it to me whilst pinning me against the bedroom door." You explained before going back to reading. Fred rolled his eyes, while slightly blushing.

Not long after you went for a shower and crawled into bed, sleeping ready for the quidditch World Cup!

This is kind of a filler chapter, Nothing important happened but I still thought it would be somewhat important to add.
Hope you're enjoying my story xo

-i <3

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