"Darling, Quiet"

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You were slowly waking up in the morning still next to Fred. Spring was now at the castle, meaning it wasn't too long until the twins birthday.

The DA was now also back in full swing and everyone was sneaking off to the room requirement every week for the lessons.

Charlotte would often shelter herself away from you now and everyone she was close with after having two black eyes for three weeks- it was quite humorous to you.

The sun was slowly rising you could see it through your window, however you didn't have to start getting ready for the school day for another 45 minutes or so.

"Hey Freddie." You were shaking him gently.

He was grunting and pulling the duvet over his face.

"Fred, come on. Let's go watch the sun rising please." You begged, slowly pulling the duvet off his face. You kissed his nose and forehead trying to fully wake him up.

"Can we not just lay here together?" He pulled you back in and tried to put the duvet over you.

"No. Come on." You pulled the whole duvet off his body and tried pulling him out the bed. He soon obeyed and followed you out of your window. He was holding a couple of pillows as you took your favourite blanket out.

Fred put the pillows down for you and him, you both set and wrapped the blanket around the both of you. You sat with him, you head on his shoulder, looking out at the skyline as the sun rose in the distance.

"Isn't it beautiful?" You asked.

Fred paused, "yes." He said through a smile. You turned your head up and saw him looking down at you.

You nudged him and looked back out at the sun.

After around 20 minutes or so the sun was hitting your faces directly, you could see Fred practically glowing in the light.

"Wait hold on one second." You stood up and quickly went back into your room. You grabbed your Polaroid and took it outside with you.

"Your camera?" He asked smiling while attempting to look up at you, while also being somewhat blinded by the sun.

"Yeah come on." You sat back down and took a few photos.

You took a picture of the sun hitting the grounds, a photo of just Fred with the golden light on his face, you then took one holding the camera afar and taking one of you smiling with Fred and the last Fred was tilting your chin and kissing you.

After you snapped the picture he loitered for a little longer, until he broke the kiss.

"I love you." He bopped your nose and continued to look out at the sun rising.

"I love you too." You said back, resting your head onto his shoulder again for a few more minutes.

"Come on we should start getting ready for school." You said standing up.

"Okay, but I want to do this again." He replied, picking up the pillows.

"We can, whenever you want. And there you were huffing about it." You pointed out climbing back in.

"I was tired."

While Fred was showering you decided to put something on to provoke him and tease him a little. You rummaged through your drawer and found the specific set you had bought but not worn yet.

You put on a matching bra and pantie set, matching suspender belt with garter straps and some lace trimmed stockings (to act as your tights).

You took your Polaroid and took a couple of photos of yourself in your lingerie set in your mirror, these may not have been what Cedric had in mind.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now