The Bardot Vault

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Just saw a fair few people adding my story to their reading lists, I know that may not seem like much but I really appreciate everything you are all doing to support me and my story!
Love you all xox

"Since I wanted to spend some time with you two, why don't we go to Diagon Alley, just us three. Well I mean your whole family can come, but we can go somewhere." You almost pleaded, excited to finally have some freedom.

"Would that be okay with you mum?" George asked looking at Molly, who was almost having a panic attack over Fred and George's grades.

"Hm? Oh yes yes that's fine. Since you all have your lists, we might as well go today." She said going up the stairs.

"Brilliant! I need to grab something from my trunk, and a bag maybe, and then I'm ready to go." You almost darted up the stairs to grab your letter, that you had to hand to gringotts, to claim the Bardot vault.

You then followed back down the stairs to where most of the Weasley family were.

"Right, y/n at around 1pm, meet outside flourish and blotts, and we can go find your dresses since you apparently need them." Molly a almost laughed at the end of her sentence, exposing that she knew something.

You nodded before standing in front of their fire place, "right Fred you go first."

"Diagon Alley." He said, disappearing in the green smoke.

You followed after, travelling to Diagon alley. However, you took a not so smooth landing, as you fell once you arrived.

"Ow." You said quietly.

Fred came over after realising you were on the floor and picked you up, staring into his eyes, not being able to shift them. Soon after George entered, making you break the eye contact and let go of his hands. He gave you both a suspicious look before the rest of the family came, one by one.

Molly was telling you three what not to do and where to meet at what time, you kind of zoned out as you realised you were about to do something huge, take over the family name almost. With the vault, the power was practically all yours.

"So where we off to first?" Fred asked, as you left the shop you had been in, to use the network.

"Can we go to gringotts? I uh- need to do something." You asked, almost awkwardly.

"Yeah, what is it?" George questioned, curiously.

"You'll see, please come with me, I might faint otherwise." You didn't really want to take them down to the vault, because you knew they got slightly awkward when it came to money.

"You need something from your vault?" George replied.

"No, not exactly." You said walking towards the bank.

You walked in, nervously, approaching the head of the bank.

"Name." The goblin said.

"Y/n Bardot."

"What do you want?" They were always so rude, but I mean they are known for being quite passive beings.

You took the letter out from your bag and placed it on the desk. You turned your head to see Fred looking quite uncomfortable.

"Follow me please." The goblin said.

You, Fred and George followed the goblin to the small mineacart, that took you to your vault.

"Bardot vault, 008." The goblin said as the cart began to move.

"Y/n. Did he just say the Bardot vault?" George whispered in your ear. You nodded silently, waiting to arrive.

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