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You stood at the door frame as you smile faded completely. There she was on top of him, both shirtless, making out as she grinded against his body.  Their kiss soon slowed as they both turned their heads.

"Shit, y/n." Fred suddenly spoke, guilt covering his face.

You felt tears begin to form in your eyes. You assessed the situation once more before turning. As you turned to walk away a huge sense of anger and sadness filled your body. You left the door wide open as you paced away.

You started to walk quickly out of the common room, wiping the tears that were falling, with your sleeve. You practically began to run down the stairs as you heard them both following you.

You pushed your way through the crowds of drunk people and got to the portrait door. You walked beyond quickly towards anywhere but there, you couldn't face either of them.

As you paced down the corridor you heard people chasing you.

"Y/n! Wait please!"

"What Charlotte. What in the fuck do you want." You violently replied.

"Y/n, we're sorry it was a mistake." She pleaded.

"If it was that much of a mistake and you're aware of it, it wouldn't have fucking happened." You began turning again to walk away.


"Don't you dare call me that." You stated, turning once more. Your tears had stopped themselves as your body drowned in pure anger, "and to think I trusted you, either of you."

"Can we just talk about it y/n?" Fred asked.

"Sure we can talk." You started walking close to them both, standing together, "how long have you fancied each other? Well you both knew I somewhat liked Fred or more than somewhat. So what got you both together?"

"Y/n.." Charlotte said looking to the ground.

"No, I don't want to know. But you know what I do want to know. If I hadn't of walked in. Would she still be grinding against your lap Freddie? Or would you be much further?" You asked turning and facing him.

He sighed and looked down the floor, "Maybe." He replied.

"That's what I thought." You turned to walk away, tears falling from your face again. You felt a massive tense pressure in your chest.

"Y/n please wait!" You heard Charlotte start running after you.

"Go away!" You faced her, a gust coming from your shout- pushing her back. She flew backwards down the hall and landing just behind Fred. You didn't want to think about what you just done, so decided to just start running wherever your feet took you.

You ran round the castle, crying hysterically. You had faced a lot of problems in your life, but never did you think you were going to face a betrayal like this from two of the people you trusted the most in your whole life.

You found the stairs to the astronomy tower, holding the rail as your pulled yourself up. As you reached the top you wiped your eyes once more and saw someone sitting on the edge, turning to look at you.

You decided not to speak and to just sit next to him. Your tears had began to stop, as you now felt a sense of numbness run through your body.

You looked out to the sky, and shifted yourself closer to Adrian. You rested your head onto his shoulder as tears ran down your cheeks.

"You okay?" He asked.

"No. You're the last person who wants to hear about it. Trust me." Things felt now a little tense between you and Adrian, since his confession, but you had way more running on your mind.

You thought about it again. And it made you sick. Of all people Charlotte. She had been the one trying to push you to admit your feelings and let you express all your emotions. Being a backstabbed by her never once crossed your mind.

And for Fred. You thought you could trust him the most out of anyone in the group. You had given yourself up to him completely mentally and physically, but he treated it as if it was nothing. And to use the stupidest excuse. He will have he'll to pay.

"Adrian." You said still leaning your head on his shoulder looking to the sky.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Thank you. I know your just sitting here. But I needed someone to sit with me." You admitted.

"Why don't you get Weasley?" He asked sympathetically.

"I don't want him." You felt the anger drowning you again, "can I ask you something?"

"Anything you want."

"Do you think I can sit with you at breakfasts and dinners. I know it sounds stupid but I just need a friend."

"I'll sit with you. You don't want to sit on the Slytherin table- trust me." He chuckled.

You laughed a tiny bit with him, snivelling through the tears, continuing to just enjoy the silence and Adrian's soothing company.

A couple hours had past and Adrian had now left and gone to his bed, Charlottes party would now defiantly be over so you thought it best you return to your dorm. As you walked through the halls of the classroom you stood and relived what you had done to Charlotte, come to think of it how did I do that? You decided to somewhat ignore it and face walking into the common room.

You said the password and took a deep breath walking in, with no intention of stopping.

As suspected Fred was sitting on the sofa waiting for you to arrive back, Charlotte the same on a chair on the opposite side of the room. They both stood from their chairs expecting you to stop and listen to them both. But you didn't. You stared dead forward and walked without glancing at either of them.

You heard a huff as you began walking up the stairs. It took you no hesitation to walk straight into your dorm and lock it, taking off your dress and getting straight into your bed. Trying your best to block out what you had seen. 

Lmao on my way to kill Fred and Charlotte. Adding a little drama into the plot never hurt no body ;)

-i <33

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