Close to Talking

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Over the next couple of weeks you still hadn't spoken to Fred or Charlotte at all. While walking the halls you occasionally could hear one of them following you close by calling your name, but you never stopped.

You had begun hanging out with Cedric and Cho more often, she was a lot nicer than you had thought. You needed a girl to hang around with once in a while, boys could sometimes be a bit much to always be around.

You were however still quite close with Adrian you still ate most of your meals together and he would make you go to the library with him to get some new books every once in a while.

You'd be lying if you were to say you didn't miss your group heavily but you couldn't sit around and act as if he didn't use you. Maybe you were overreacting but no one plays with a Bardot and doesn't face the consequences.

Defence against the Dark arts was the most awkward lesson, you didn't just sit near Fred but directly next to him. After your first lesson- after the incident- you decided to ask Moody if you could switch places. He allowed it. Fred now sat with Marcus and you sat with Adrian.

In potions you just spoke to Lee, George and occasionally Angelina. They all knew something, Angelina more than the rest, but no one really seemed like they wanted to know.

You were currently sitting with Cho and Cedric in the great hall during lunch.

"Honestly, the Easter break isn't too far away. I don't know what I'm going to do." You told them.

"Why don't you just stay round mine?" Cho asked.

"Cho thank you! Thank you! And you sure your parents won't mind?" You asked.

"I mean I will have to check. Sometimes they can be fine but sometimes they can be a bit hard on me, so I'll let you know ASAP." She told you.

"If not there's always my place, my father loves you and I'm sure my mum would too." Cedric said.

"Honestly, as long as I'm not a burden to anyone's family's I really don't mind. If not I could always stay here. I mean I know a few people are." You admitted.

"But where's the fun in that. What do you have after lunch anyways?" Cedric questioned.

"I think I have transfiguration and potions, then study hall." You said.

"Hey y/n, can I talk to you."

"Georgie. Of course. I'll see you later guys." You stood from your seat and followed George out to a bench in the courtyard.

"Y/n, are you okay? Fred literally will not tell me why you don't sit with us but it's clear he knows. And you won't say anything. But it's been weeks I miss you there." George told you.

"Aw Georgie, I'm sorry. I can't hang around with you all anymore. I miss it too. But things are different now." You replied.

"So you won't say either. It's killing me y/n. At least tell me who your mad at, because I know your mad."

"I'm mad at your inconsiderate brother and his heedless girl toy Charlotte." Why should you protect them. George should at least know that you're angry at them. And have a slight sense of direction as to why.

"Oh god, what did they do?"

"Don't worry yourself George. I have to go back. And I wish things were different." You stood up and walked back through the castle.

Your transfiguration class went quite quickly, you were perfecting things you weren't able to do very well over the past year so far. It was now time for you to go to potions.

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