Happy Valentines

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You woke up from your slumber feeling more cold than usual. You sat up and saw that Fred was gone, not in the bed or the bathroom.

It was valentines and the first face you wanted to see was his, but that wasn't the case. You looked to your door frame and saw a random man standing there smiling at you.

You didn't hesitate to gasp and instantly send the person back with your force across your house.

You grabbed your wand and went into the living room holding your wand up in front of the man,  "who are you?" You sternly asked. 

"What's going on?" George questioned, coming in and rubbing his eyes.

"It's me you lunatic, Jesus." Fred's voice came out of the mans body.

"Well what are you looking like that for?" You lowered your wand and helped him off the floor.

"I went out to get you something for valentines." Fred replied.

"We said no gifts this year." You exclaimed. 

"I know it's not a gift, I thought I'd get you some breakfast from the bakers down the road. So I used Polyjuice like you told us to." He lifted up a white box with turquoise ribbon wrapped around it.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were a deatheater or a home invader and I wasn't about to be killed or kidnapped. Let me just go to the bathroom and then we can eat." You walked back into your bedroom and went into the en suite bathroom. You went to the toilet and then sorted out your hair a little bit, after washing your hands.

You came back out of the bathroom and went back into the living area. Fred was now back to his original self and sitting on your worktop holding a croissant waiting for you.

"There she is, my valentines." Fred hold out his arm. You walked over and walked into his arm, wrapping your arm around him as he put his around you. He held up the croissant and put it down towards your mouth, letting you take a bite before letting you go.

"I love you." You said, walking to the table to grab a different pastry.

"I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere. I know you're not too keen on the idea but I think we should maybe go somewhere nice, it can be private but I think it would be good for us." Fred said, he'd been wanting to leave the house for a while (not just to lees) you wanted to shut down the idea but you wanted to go out too, in your own body this time.

"I'll think about it okay. We will let the day fall into place." You finished your pastry and gave Fred a kiss on the cheek going to get somewhat ready for the day.

You tried to be as strong as you could but anytime you needed to go out, and couldn't Polyjuice (like gringotts) you felt terrified. Evil people were everywhere, round every corner, in every building. You already had your past fears that your father was going to be their again and try what he failed before and there was absolutely no way you were going to get Fred involved in that.

"Y/n are you okay?" You heard Fred ask coming into the room.

"Yes, fine." You looked up and smiled at him, his face showed he didn't believe you.

"Darling? Tell me what's wrong." He closed the door and sat down on the edge of your bed with you.

"Nothing is wrong." You repeated, trying to avoid flooding Fred with your personal issues.

"Y/n. You're clearly upset about something. Is it something I've done?" He asked you, you shook your head looking down at the floor, "talk to me."

You tried holding it in, you practically had been for a year. You felt a few single tears falling from your eyes, "I just can't stop thinking about my mother. I know I wasn't on the best terms with her but we bonded a bit more while I was at my house and she was gone, just like that. That could and was meant to be me. My father has no remorse he's vicious and I really don't think he is quite finished with his hunt. I don't feel safe out there knowing that no body cares to be looking for him anymore." You began pouring your heart out.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now