Keeping Ron Home

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"Remember you can't tell anyone, and I mean anyone, where I live okay?" You said walking ron through your front door.

"I know, I won't." He looked around and was taking in everything you had.

"You're lucky I have four bedrooms. Are you also going to tell me why you're here and not with Harry and Hermione?" You asked him, taking his bag to another one of the spare rooms.

"Maybe later, when Fred and George are back. Where are they right now anyway?" He asked, taking off his jacket.

"They're with Lee doing they're little radio show." You told him, "do you want anything to eat or drink or anything?"

"Uh yeah, if you wouldn't mind. Could I just have some water and a sandwich maybe." He requested. You nodded and walked to the kitchen pouring a glass of water and making a plain ham sandwich.

You gave Ron the food and drink and watched him devour it all, "there is also I cupboard full of snacks that you can help yourself to, it's the one next to the washing machine." You knew he was a Weasley with an appetite, he looked like he hadn't slept in days and also looked extremely sorry for himself.

"Are you sure you're okay ron? These times are rough, I know you've been out doing all sorts, we all need each other and I'm here for you." You put your hand on his shoulder and smiled, he looked almost sad which made you think something bad could have happened to the others or maybe they all just fell out.

Your sentimental moment was ruined as two twins were back home. You rolled your eyes and took your hand off rons shoulder and stood up infront of him.

"Did you go to the bank darling?" Fred asked.

"I did, and I picked up something else." You moved to the side to show Ron sitting on your armchair awkwardly smiling at the twins.

"Hey mate, what are you doing here and what's up with your arm?" George was the first to ask, lifting him off the chair and giving him a brotherly hug.

Ron didn't say anything again, it was becoming clearer everytime that he was ashamed of something, or maybe embarrassed.

"I stupidly left harry and Hermione." Ron exclaimed, there was a tone of anger in his voice saying their names.

"Why, what happened?" Fred added, you now stood with Fred he put both his hands on your shoulders while you held them with your hands.

"Well, we found a horcrux, it was a locket, that's why we were at the ministry. And well the locket made you angry at the world as you wore it- so we all took turns." He hesitated before continuing, "it was my turn to wear it and I had worn it too long. I was partly annoyed because I was wearing the necklace but... I was annoyed at them both too. They were making me feel dumb, they knew everything and they were working it all out together, just them two. Totally forgetting I was even there at all." He was clearly quite upset about the situation, and to no one surprise either. Harry, Ron and Hermione had been inseparable ever since their first year at Hogwarts but you replayed what he said and realised that yes he may have been annoyed about them forgetting him, but he was definitely more bothered about the fact they were the ones together.

"Ron, I can't say that I think you made the best decision by leaving however it really good to know you're okay, and everything's as well as it can be." You took his plate and cup through to the kitchen and offered him more to eat, but he had more interest in going for a shower. His room didn't have an en suite so you guided him to the main bathroom, which was just going to be his for his stay.

For the rest of the evening the twins were catching up with Ron while you decorated the house a small amount. Fred offered to help you or use magic to get everything decorated but you wanted him to spend time with his brother and let you do your thing.

You had put up a wreath on the door and a few lights around the house, you now were focusing on the tree. You'd put the tree and lights up and just had to put a few random ornaments up on the branches.

It looked so nice and homely. You stood in front of your tree and reflected on the vast difference of how you were now compared to last Christmas. The haunting feeling of being abused everyday and the countdown to be sent off to anybody's house to be their wife. Everyday you thanked Adrian in your head for the way he gave you that hope, that bigger crave for escape.

"You okay darling?" Fred asked coming up behind you and kissing your cheek.

"More than you know." You turned around and looked up at his face, golden from the lights.

No one felt like cooking, resulting in you ordering an array of pizzas and sides for the four of you to share.

As you are you worked up the conversation of Ron's plans for the situation he was in, "Ron this isn't me saying I want you to leave at all, but do you plan on going back to Harry and Hermione? I feel like you regret leaving them."

"I do want to I guess but at the same time I have no idea where I'd find them. We were on the move all the time, they could be anywhere by now." He looked upset again, to no ones surprise either.

"Do you not have any form of contact with them?" George asked.

"No, it's too risky for any of us to send any letters or anything in that sense. I seriously have no idea what to do." He huffed and ate a little more food.

"I know it will all be okay in the end though, you guys are always okay in the end." You smiled at him and ate while watching the TV.

You had also discussed the chance of Ron seeing the rest of his family but it seemed a little bit risky. He had only really escaped from a gang of snatchers so maybe keeping him safe for the time being until he finds a way to get back is the best bet.

You went to your room after finishing eating and wrapped up all your Christmas presents to put under the tree. You didn't have anything for Ron, since you didn't know he was staying with you, but you got a few presents for both the twins.

After wrapping everything up you took them though to the living room, scattering them under the tree. Going straight to bed afterwards.

Kind of a filler chapter and not the longest but still hope it suffices xo
Ps, I haven't addressed Fred and y/n's 2 year anniversary because I didn't have any plan for it due to the current climate of the wizarding world (so this is me addressing it). HAPPY 2 YEARS GUYS!

Ask me anything >>

Stay safe and well,
-i <33

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