Going back

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During the Christmas holidays you made a real big effort to keep in touch with all your friends, especially Fred. Since what Lee told you, you had an urge to know what was going on in that head of his. But he hadn't been replying, he had but not like he promised he would.

You were also writing to Cedric, as you felt rude not to. He was really nice, you had almost avoided getting to know him as Fred would go all funny, but as he didn't even have the common courtesy to reply to some of your letters, you wrote to Cedric a lot more.

How are things from the last time we spoke. I personally cannot wait to return to the castle, hate to say it but I miss school.

It won't be long now I suppose, maybe we could catch up face to face on the train. I hope your father is well and tell him I say hello back.

Anyway I must go, speak to you soon.

-y/n Bardot x

You didn't bother writing to Fred, since he never wrote you back the last time. Maybe something had happened. However, everyone else managed to reply to you so maybe he was annoyed. You'd didn't want it to play on your mind too much.

A few days later
You had received a letter from Lee talking about meeting on the train, on your way back to Hogwarts.

Reflecting on your time home, it seemed pointless. You hadn't got any presents from your parents, you could buy them yourself but where's the fun in that. You tried to avoid your father as much as possible and spoke to your mum only when your father wasn't around. You tried not speaking with your grandmother, so your parents didn't suspect anything strange happening.

You were taken to the station by your grandmother, as your parents were back full time at the ministry,

"When will I see you again?" You asked her.

"I don't know y/n. But remember what I told you, between you and me okay." She reassured.

"I promise."

She kissed the top of your head as she left, leaving you to wait for the train to arrive at the platform.

You saw Lee enter the platform with his father, and instantly clocked eyes with you.

"Lee!" You shouted bolting towards him.

You instantly wrapped the boy in a tight hug, even tighter than you usually would, considering you missed your friends terribly.

"Y/n, how have you been." He asked, while waving to his father.

"Pretty bad if I'm honest, I felt so isolated." You huffed.

You then felt a pit of strong arms grab you from behind and soon you round. As soon as you were on the floor, you tuned to face Cedric.

"Diggory!" You almost jumped to hug him.

You had gotten very close, relying on Cedric mainly to keep you sane.

You turned back with a massive smile to see Lee with a very confused face,

"I'm sure you two know each other." You stated.

"Of course. Lee Jordan a great quidditch commentator." Cedric held out his hand for Lee to shake, to which he did.

"We should probably get on the train." Lee said dragging you by your arm.

"I'll see you later Cedric!" You shouted while smiling at the boy.

"Diggory?! Y/n are you serious? Did you not remember what I told you when we left?"

"God Lee calm it. I just wrote to Cedric a bit while waiting on other people's replies, that never came." You scoffed. "Anyway, he's a really nice guy. I think you'd really like him."

You then pulled out a book from your bag and began reading as the train started to move.

You wondered if Fred was actually annoyed. If he didn't feel anything towards you. If he knew about Cedric and was all weird again. Gosh who knew. But you were annoyed at him too, he didn't even bother to tell you anything, well barely.

You reached the castle and gently woke Lee from his slumber.

"Lee. Lee! Look we're here!" You exclaimed standing grabbing your bag.

Even though you were slightly annoyed at Fred, you couldn't wait to see him, you wanted to talk to him about what Lee said to you on the train ride home.

You exited the train and took your trunk, rushing Lee to get his and get to the carriages.

"In a rush are we Bardot?" Cedric said pulling out his trunk.

"A bit." You giggled as Lee rolled his eyes.

You then finally were ready to get onto the carriages.

"You don't mind do you?" Cedric asked. You moved aside making room for him.

You chatted a little before pulling up to the castle. You jumped off of the carriage,

"Sorry Cedric, I must go. I'll see you inside Lee." You said before running off into the castle towards your common room.

"She's an energetic one isn't she." Cedric said to Lee smirking.

"Like you wouldn't believe." Lee replied.

You were now in the castle, almost at the portrait.

"Slow down Bardot." Percy shouted.

"Bugger off Percy." You said , avoiding his request.

You opened the portrait door, and walked in slowly, hoping you could surprise everyone.

You slowly crept in and turned round to the main living area. You were smiling hearing your  friends all laughing and talking by the fire. But your smile dropped almost instantly, as you saw Angelina cuddled up to Fred, sitting on his lap. She then turned and kissed his hand.

You decided to ignore your friends, mainly to avoid Fred and Angelina, so marched yourself quickly up the room. Slamming your door and locking it.

Fred's POV
We were all at the fire laughing and chatting but all I could do was wait for her, she didn't write to me, she didn't care about me maybe.

Angelina had noticed my change in emotion as the days went by, and comforted me. She decided to sit on my lap, I didn't invite her to. I didn't want to tell her to get off, it would have been rude.

But then, I saw her dart round the corner, eyes piercing into my soul.

"Y/n.." I said standing, making Angelina almost fall. She ran up the stairs and slammed her door. What happened to her?

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