Truth or Dare

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It had almost been a week since Black was apparently inside the castle, meaning it was almost a week since you woke up to Fred's... yeah.

You were both kind of acting as if it never happened, to avoid having any awkward conversations.

You were sitting in front of the fire, with all your friends behind you on the couch,

"Should we do something?" Angelina asked.

"Sure. Like what?" You said turning around to face the others.

"Let's play a game!" Charlotte almost screamed, she loves playing strange games but it was rare for someone else to play with her.

"What kind of game." Fred asked sitting himself up more.

"How about 21 truths?" Lee added.

"No that's boring. Let's play truth or dare." Charlotte said to us all.

"Truth or dare? I haven't played that in a while. Sure." You told to them all, "should we play in my dorm?"

They all nodded and followed you up to your room. You turned on your lamp and sat down in a circle.

"Do we have any rules or?" Angelina asked

"No rules, just nothing highly illegal." Charlotte warned. "I'll go first, George truth or Dare?"


"Okay. Uhm have you had sex yet?" She asked looking at George.

"No not yet." He answered. "Okay my turn Angelina truth or Dare?"

The game went on for a few people until Lee asked, "y/n. Truth or Dare?"

You wasn't going to boring and pick truth, as an easy escape, "Dare."

Everyone looked at each other while Lee tried to think of a good dare, "I dare you to make out with the person you find most attractive in the room."

It hadn't quite dawned on you that game would become physical, but it should have been expected with your friend group. You hadn't never kissed anyone, you did have a small make out session last year with Adrian- as you both hadn't kissed anyone.

You looked around the group, way to make things more awkward y/n. You said to yourself as you began to crawl towards Fred.

Fred's POV
"I dare you to make out with the person you find most attractive in the room."

My feelings towards y/n were confusing me, but if she possibly came my way- I would know how I felt. 

I saw her thinking and looking round the group, until she drew her eyes to mine. She then began to shift from her placement, and crawled towards me.

She sat up, and straddled my lap, before adjusting herself and leaning in. We were practically touching noses, until we both moved in. It was strange to get into, I was making out with one of my best friends. But the sensation of her tongue dancing with mine felt so good.

Y/n's POV
You pulled back and looked into his eyes, his pupils dilated. You smiled as your cheeks began to heat up, that was hot.

You turned around and saw the rest of the group sitting awkwardly with their mouths barely closed.

"That was so fucking hot." Charlotte said, finally pulling her jaw off of the floor.

Your head was now completely scrambled. Why would I do that, you suddenly felt like that could complicate things so much more than they need to be. You wasn't lying in your dare, he is the most attractive...

"We still playing?" You asked going back to your seat, wanting to change the subject, everyone nodded. "Okay, Charlotte. Truth or Dare?"


"I give you the same dare as I had." You told her, it was an interesting dare and you kind of wanted to know everyone's answers.

She instantly got up and walked over to Angelina. She then began to make out with her. Everyone turned to look at them with wide eyes.

"Right time for bed!" Lee shouted as he scurried out the room.

"Yeah I probably should head out too, but fun game." George added and left.

"Okay. We should go too. I could probably finish my charms essay. Night everyone." Charlotte confidently exclaimed while walking out.

"Yeah I just.. am leaving." Angelina said blushing, and quite taken back.

"Most attractive. I'll hold that title." Fred said when everyone left.

"Don't let it get to your head Weasley."

"It's already in my head darling."

He smiled cheekily at you as he left. You closed your door and locked it. You didn't think picking Fred would change anything, it didn't for how you acted together but it did change the way you thought about him.

Sitting in classes, and the great hall- you kept finding yourself looking at his lips, remembering how they felt against yours, he's only a friend right?

"Bardot?" Snape called out.

"Hm, oh yes?" You answered.

"Please refrain from dazing in my classroom."

"Oh I'm so sorry sir." He raised his eyebrows and walked back to the front of the classroom to teach.

You left potions but heard a familiar voice chasing after you, "y/n wait!"

"Oh hey diggory." You said turning to face him.

"I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink, at the next Hogsmeade trip with me, maybe?" He pondered.

"I'm not sure I'm even going to that one but if I do, I'm sure we can meet up or something." He smiled and nodded as he went off.

"What's diggory wanting?" Fred startled you.

"Jesus Fred, don't sneak up on me like that. He just asked if I wanted to get a drink with him at the next Hosmeade trip or something." You told the boy.

He looked down at you with a more timid expression, "did you say yes?"

"I said I don't even know if I'm going to that one yet."

"Okay, good." He said as he began walking off.

You had noticed he's been acting strange lately, you didn't however want to jump into any conclusions so decided it was best to just brush it off.

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