Going home for Christmas

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The winter holidays came around quicker than you had hoped. You knew your father was going to be home, considering his mother was coming down.

Your grandmother was nothing like your father, she was a nice, classy down to earth woman, you had quite a close bond with her.

"You all packed?" Charlotte asked you.

She knew you didn't truly want to go home, only you and Lee were going home for Christmas in your group. Fred and George were staying at the castle, Angelina's parents were going abroad on something to do with the ministry (so she wanted to stay at the castle) and Charlotte just didn't really want to go back to her judgmental family.

"Yeah, I guess." You sighed, charming your trunk and taking it down to go and meet Lee.

As you walked down the stairs you saw people saying their goodbyes for the holidays to the students who where staying.

You walked over to your group, who were at the fire and began to say goodbye.

Everyone stood up to hug you, to show they support you. Fred knew more about your home life than anyone else in the group, after the Boggart class. As you hugged Fred to say goodbye he rested his head on yours, "be safe darling" He said under his breath for only you to hear.

"Write to us okay?" Charlotte said to you, pulling you into another hug.

"I will try, I promise." You replied.

You and Lee then left the common room to walk towards the train.

You were looking down at the floor while walking to the train.

"You sure you're okay?" Lee asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah I guess, I just enjoy spending my time with you lot, rather than my family." You said, kicking a stone.

Lee helped you onto the carriages that took you to the train.

When you arrived at the train, you and Lee entered your usual carriage. Lee spent most of the journey reading and revising for our OWLS, while you sat in silence staring out the window.

"You know Fred's started asking about you." Lee said.

"He does? About what?" The conversation sparked your attention.

"He asks us if we talk to you about Cedric or Adrian." He told you, still reading.

"Why?" You questioned, slightly confused.

"He said they're no good for you, I think he's jealous."

Jealous. You hadn't thought much about Fred in that way, you didn't want to complicate your friendship, but at least you have something to think about while at home.

You quickly went back to staring out the window, with a small smile plastered on your face.

You pulled into the station and grabbed your bag and trunk before trying to find someone from your family. It was then when you saw your mother waiting for your arrival.

You was about to walk to her when Cedric stood in front of you with a piece of parchment in his hand.

"Y/n. This is my address. Owl me." He handed you the parchment before going off to his father.

You then began walking towards your mother.

"Who was that?" She asked, referring to Cedric.

"Cedric Diggory mother, he's just a friend." She raised an eyebrow, yet accepting your words as she began taking you off of the platform.

You went into a shop, which held a floo powder network. She got in,

"Bardot manor." She shouted before dropping the powder. You sighed then followed her actions, arriving in your dining room.

You took in your surroundings, the emptiness and loneliness that was your house.

"Your grandmother will be arriving early tomorrow, be up and awake. I'll half Elk bring up some dinner shortly." Elk was your house elf and your mother relied on him to be more of a parent then your your father and herself combined.

You took your trunk up to your room and began to unpack a few things, you rummaged though a few things and saw an envelope with your name messily written.

You turned the envelope round and opened it,

I hope this card finds you well, I know you don't like going home, so I wanted to remind you to owl me whenever you want, I'll always be here. You haven't even left yet (when I have written this card) but your mood has already dropped as the days go by.

Please be safe, and tell me if anything goes wrong.

Yours truly,
Fred x

I read his words and thought back to what Lee had said on the train, maybe something could be there.

Soon after Elk had delivered your dinner, you ate it on your bed. After you had finished you took your plate downstairs trying to avoid your parents.

You quickly then scurried up, getting into some sleeping clothes. As you took of your jeans, Cedrics parchment fell out your pocket- you picked it up and pinned it to your notice board.

A few days later
It was Christmas. You used to enjoy Christmas, until it became a formal thing- rather than a holiday of fun. You heard a knock at your door, you had only assumed it was your house elf. You got up to open it,

"Grandma?" She was stood outside. 

You loved to the side so she could enter,

"I want to talk to you about something, but it must stay confidential, you and me." She ordered you.

"You and me." You repeated, promising her.

She sat on the edge of your bed, and pulled out a piece of parchment.

"What's this?" You asked opening it.

"Merry Christmas y/n."

You opened the paper to find a contract of your grandmothers will,

"I know I haven't got much longer left, and I want everything to go under your name."

"You want me to have the Bardot vault?" You asked completely shocked and overwhelmed, "What about father?" You knew he had his eye on the Bardot vault ever since his father passed.

"I know you don't like it here y/n. Your father is too hungry for power. With this you can leave, start a new life." You smiled at her words, she didn't like how unloving your parents were to you and what your father did to you a few years ago.

Just then Elk entered your room, "Master wants everyone down for the dinner." He said leaving the room.

You stood up with your grandma, hiding the parchment in your underwear drawer, going down for the dinner. You took your place next  to your mother, with your dad head of the table. You all are almost in silence the entire time.

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