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"Okay, you ready to go?" You asked Fred making sure he was ready to get on his broom securely.

"Yes, we're ready to go." He said looking over at George.

"I can't say your both not stupid for this, but have fun building up your business." You said, smiling at them both as they took off.

"You need to go and hide so she doesn't suspect you were involved- stay safe darling." He got off his broom quickly and gave you a final kiss. You turned around and walked back. Watching as the boys took off throwing a couple of fireworks.

You found Lee and waited it out with him, after a short time you moved closer to the great hall-waiting to see if their prank was a success.

"Do you think everything's working?" You asked.

"I would say so, can you hear the bangs." Lee said. Soon after you heard umbridge screaming running out the great hall, with the dragon firework chomping on her- making all the educational decrees fall and smash on the floor. The twins rode outside throwing more fireworks into the sky.

You saw everyone who was in the hall running out to watch the twins flying off.

"I think we can go out now." You said as you watched more students running out.

"Okay, let's go." Lee took your arm and went outside. The twins threw their final firework- one of their brand logo, getting the students excited for their new shop.

You stood with the crowd cheering while they flew off into the distance. You looked over and saw Harry was on the ground, like he had fainted.

"Harry?" You said, walking towards him.

"Sirius." He simply said.

"What about him Harry?" You replied.

"I need to go save him." He responded, getting to his feet again and running off.

"Harry wait!" Hermione shouted as you followed her with Ron, chasing after Harry.

He was walking up the stairs as quickly as possible- trying to get to the common room.

"Harry are you sure?" Hermione asked still following.

"I saw it, it's just like Mr Weasley. It's the same door I've been dreaming about for months and I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have the last time and it's in the department of mysteries." Harry explained.

"Are you certain it's not some kind of trap?" You asked.

"Harry please just listen, like what y/n said what if Voldemort meant for you to see this. If he's only hurting sirius because he's trying to get to you." Hermione exclaimed, clearly concerned.

"Well what if he is, I'm just supposed to let him die? Hermione he's the only family I've got left." Your heart could have sunk hearing his words, he's too young to be left alone.

You looked between Hermione and Ron, "well what do we do?" Ron asked. You continued to follow Harry to the common room.

"We'll have to use the fire."

"But umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance." Hermione pointed out.

"Not all of them." You said running to the common room.

You followed to the common room and began running up the stairs toward your dorm room.

You quickly changed into something more comfortable- with all intention of following Harry to the ministry.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now