In the Dormitory

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Fred's POV
I woke up fairly earlier than usual. I could hear y/n's light breathing as I laid next to her. We were still loosely holding hands, I traced my thumb across the back- yet felt slight denting within it.

I slowly took grip of her hand and started to lift it, avoiding to wake her up. She shifted. I was able to lift it as much as needed and flip it round to look to the back, I will not interrupt in class. This was that Umbridge's doing- I will sort that in good time.

I put her hand back down and continued to hold her as she slept. It didn't take long for her to fully wake, "morning darling"

Y/n's POV
He had a raspy morning voice, you couldn't help but smile as you head it, "morning Freddie." You sat up and rubbed your eyes, it was 6:30. You got out of your bed and went for a quick shower before breakfast.

As you got out Fred was up and pulling his jumper over his head, he winked at you, taking the toothbrush from his stuff. He walked past you and went into your bathroom. You got dressed, putting on your skirt, socks, tie, shirt and sweater vest.

"Looking good today Bardot." Fred said walking past you again.

"Why thank you weasley. Not looking too bad yourself." You grinned at him.

Since you were now exclusive with Fred you felt a lot more chirpy, even considering the problems you had with umbridge.

You took your robe over your arm, mainly to hide your hand and put your shoes on waiting for Fred to be fully ready.

"Are we leaving now darling?" Fred asked tying his laces.

"If you're ready." You said walking closer.

"Maybe I'm not ready to go just yet." He admitted.

"Is that so?" You raised an eyebrow and walked in front of him. You placed your hands behind his neck as he put his on your hips.

"Maybe we can wait 5 more minutes." He supported you down to straddle on his lap. You smiled and watched as he drew his face closer to yours.

You were practically touching noses as Fred was looking to your lips, you put two of your fingers on his, "I'm not sure we can Freddie."

"Well aren't you a little minx." Fred stated.

"Maybe, now come on we don't have all morning." You got off his lap and dragged him towards your dorm door.

You walked through the common room and went straight downstairs to have breakfast. Lee and George both turned around and started to whisper and laugh between themselves,

"I'd you don't tell me why you're laughing I have no problem in throwing you to the other side of the hall." You threatened sitting next to Lee.

"We were just wondering if you two had a good night?" George winked.

"Shut up, we didn't do anything." Fred said lightly elbowing George.

"Well I mean after what we saw in the library, we couldn't be convinced." Lee added. You simply rolled your eyes and ate your breakfast.

You decided it would be best to keep your head low in your lessons today, you weren't scared of umbridge but you knew you'd much rather not be hurt, Harry on the other hand was in detention for a week. Everyone on the quidditch team were getting nervous he wouldn't be able to attend practices or tryouts.

After all your lessons finished you decided to walk back to the common room with Fred. You had your robe over your arm again, as you felt quite warm.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now