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You were back in the room of requirement again, learning about how to defend yourselves.

This week Harry wanted to show you all how to cast the patronus charm. You hadn't even attempted this one before, so you felt excited to learn what your patronus was.

"I took a book out the library, it's in my dorm. After we find out our patronus' we can look at what they symbolise, because I'm interested." You said to your group.

"Okay, that will be quite cool." Lee replied.

"I wonder what mine will be." George added.

"I want something cool, not boring." Fred also said.

Harry's told in front of the class explaining how you actually cast the patronus. You had to think of all your powerful positive feelings.

"Expecto patronum." You flicked your wand, a blue light appeared at the end of your wand but soon fizzled out.

"I think we've found her weak spot Georgie." Fred teased.

"Oh yeah? Well you try then." You crossed your arms and watched the twins trying to produce a patronum, it wasn't working.

"Oh shut up." George huffed.

You looked around the room and noticed no one had yet produced their patronus', making you feel slightly more at ease.

"Have you managed it yet y/n?" Harry asked you.

"No not quite, it wants to happen but I'm clearly not thinking positive enough." You sighed.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, "I'm not trying to intrude."

"Oh, I'm thinking of my grandmother, when she used to take me out on the little boats by the manor." You looked down.

You clocked that the reason it wasn't working is because, yes it was a happy memory, but it also had correlations of sadness to you. You missed your grandmother more and more as the time went by, meaning the memory couldn't possibly be positive enough.

Harry walked to the front of the class, "make it a powerful memory. The happiest you can remember, allow it to fill you up. Keep trying Seamus." He walked back towards you and the twins, "george your turn now."

George paused for a moment and tried again, "expecto patronum." He flicked his wand as a small magpie flew out.

"A full body patronus is the most difficult to produce. But shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents." Harry continued.

You turned around as Ginny produced a horse, galloping around the room.

You started to think again about happy memories, your mind now instantly going to Fred. You thought about the first time you did it, the times you flirted with eachother, the time he asked you to be his girlfriend, the time you first said 'I love you' to eachother, he is what made you the most happy.

You looked up and Fred had now also produced his patronus, it was flying around your head, as Fred was looking down and smiling at you and the bird.

"Expecto Patronum!" You waved your wand again, this time the blue light didn't just flicker out.

"Watch it be like a mouse or something." Fred said to George.

You shocked the whole room as an hippogriff stood proud flapping its large wings.

"What the bloody hell, how is she always so lucky with magic." George huffed.

"Well done y/n! That is truly amazing." Harry seemed gobsmacked.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now