Quidditch World Cup Part 2

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You walked over a hill and were greeted with loud crowds and music, you were so excited to be there.

"Any idea where our tent is." You asked the twins.

They both shook their heads and shrugged their shoulders, as you continued to go through the rows of tents. Cedric and his father soon parted ways to find their tents,

"I'll see you later Diggory." You said waving him off.

"Goodbye Bardot." He replied nodding his head to you.

"I don't get it, still, why can't I call you Bardot?" George asked huffing.

"Because George, I prefer you to call me by my first name."

"Ah home sweet home." Arthur said, opening a tent door. You wondered how you were all going to fit inside the tent.

You crouched and walked in the tent first. As you got in you were amazed, the tent contained multiple rooms, a dining room, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen, you'd never seen anything like it before.

"Girls choose a bed and unpack." Arthur insisted walking through the tent, "Ron get out of the kitchen we're all hungry."

"Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron." The twins mocked.

"Feet off the table."

"Feet off the table!" They in unison mimicked again.

"Really mature boys. Anyways I might need some help holding some ribbon in my hair while I charm it." You stated.

They both looked to the ground, "ugh fine, I'll do it myself. I guess I won't be able to paint your faces later then." You sighed walking off into the bathroom.

The twins looked at each other, "I'll do it!" They both said shooting up from their seats.

"Well I only need one of you." You said turning to face them.

"It's fine George, I'll do it." Fred offered walking towards you.

"Okay, but I still want that face paint, I did offer." George said, sitting back down.

You walked into the bathroom and closed the door, as soon as you closed the door Fred turned you around. He smirked and pulled your body closer to his.

"Fred I need to do my hair, everyone will be suspicious if we lurk in the bathroom together." You said giggling, looking up at him.

"Just one kiss darling."

You pecked his lips and moved back down. He rolled his eyes. You looked back up at him and smirked. You grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down to your height, kissing him with more passion.

After you pulled back he blushed and smiled, "Right Freddie, come on I seriously have to do my hair." You insisted.

"Really? Right okay, what am I doing?" He asked.

"Right okay, hold this green ribbon on one side of my head, and I need to charm it then the same on the other side." You instructed.

He stood behind you as you performed the charm, "perfect, thanks Freddie." You said, getting off the stool in front of the mirror.

You walked out the bathroom back into the main living area, "Right, sit." You pointed at George. He sat in front of you on the couch, "Accio face paint." You said pointing your wand to your bag, green and white face paint came flying towards you.

George wanted to keep his face paint simple, 2 strips of paint on each of his cheeks, one white and one green.

"Thanks Bardot." He said standing up and walking into the boys room. You rolled your eyes but decided to let it slide.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now