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"Say Charlotte, you want to sleepover in my dorm tonight, you know a girly night?" You asked Charlotte, desperate for some self care, girl time.

"It's like you read my mind dear y/n. This castle is becoming so tense I need to relax." she replied.

"So can I come?" A random ravenclaw boy asked smirking, getting too close for comfort.

"Ew fuck off you perv." Charlotte called, he soon moved on.

"What happened with him?" Fred asked, coming to sit with you and Charlotte.

"Where's George and Lee?" You replied, avoiding the question.

"Lee is in our dorm studying and George is, perfecting shall we say. He likes to work alone sometimes so I thought I would come down to try find some fun people." Fred told you both.

"Cool, well I need to go anyways, you stay y/n. I'll see you tonight, I'll bring over all my self care stuff." Charlotte said, standing up and leaving the library.

"Self care stuff?" Fred questioned, clearly intrigued.

"Yeah, Charlotte is staying in my dorm tonight, we're having a sleepover in a sense. I need some one to one time with a female." You giggled, going back to reading.

"What you reading?"

"Freddie, are you going to keep annoying me? What is it you want?"

"I'm just bored. Literally this library is empty. You don't have to read I want to talk darling."

"What would you like to talk about?" You questioned, closing your book.

"Anything. Anything at all."

"I like your hair, keep it long for a bit, it suits you."

"Really? Mums been bugging George and I to get it cut, same with Bill. But we try to mix things up every once in a while." Fred said, referencing his hair.

"This may sound weird, but can I touch it. It looks soft, impulses are getting the better of me."

"Strange question darling but sure."

You stood up and leant across the table guiding your hand through Fred's hair, "how is it so soft oh my."

He chuckled at your shock over your hair.

Fred's POV
She leant over the desk to feel my hair. It was somewhat weird but I didn't mind. As her fingers ran through the stands of my hair, I was admiring the way she was surprised and in awe.

"How is it so soft oh my" she said, beginning to retract herself back to her seat.

"Don't act so surprised darling." God she's literally fucking perfect. She could do anything and I'd still find a way to admire it.

She looked around and saw no one was around. She raised an eyebrow at me and stood, beginning to walk over. She double checked the surroundings, before straddling my lap beginning to make out with me. God she was bold. I had my hands on her waist, as she was almost grinding on lap, deepening the kiss. Her hands moved up my back and shoulder to my hair, to which she pulled back slightly. We paused. We both looked into each others eyes, slightly out of breath.

"Sorry Freddie, but I must go. Places to be, people to see. See you around, lover boy." She dismounted from my lap and scurried off out of the library, leaving me in my state.

Y/n's POV
You didn't know what came over you, it was normal for you to make out here and there but that was hot. You decided it would be best for you to leave the situation before it could get any more steamy, and you enjoyed being a bit of a tease.

After dinner in the great hall Charlotte walked close with you, as she was staying with you. You were both quite excited, just spending time with her alone was rare, neither of you really had the time for it.

"Right I'll go grab all my things and meet you in your dorm." Charlotte said.

"What's happening in y/n's room?" George asked.

"Y/n and Charlotte are having a sleepover or something." Fred replied to his brother.

"And I'm not invited." George held his chest acting heartbroken.

"Sorry Georgie, girls only." You ran up to your dorm and waited for Charlotte. She soon entered holding an array of skincare products and snacks.

You got changed into some pyjamas before sitting on your bed and putting a face mask on.

"So miss Bardot, how is it being the person holding the Bardot vault?" Charlotte questioned.

"Not as nice as everyone may think. It's nice to have the money yes. But people know I have it, meaning people want me for it. Take my father for example, he would punish me everyday for the vault, I only told George this but he chased me down at the World Cup. He wants me so he can have the vault." You explained to her.

"Jesus. You should like hire some wizard of body guards or something. Why does he want the money that bad. Your parents are rich anyway." Charlotte replied.

"I know, but the vault is all my father has really ever wanted, being an only child he knew that he had no sibling rivalry to compete with, the vault would be his. But it's not and it will not ever be."

"I'm really sorry that your father's a dick, you should have told me, you could have come stayed with my family." Charlotte told you.

"That's what the twins said, but I didn't want my problems being a burden on other people. Anyways, let's talk about the tournament. How is Harry in there? Can't say I'm surprised but how?"

"Y/n, I have no idea. He always says he didn't put his name in, and honestly I kind of believe him. He isn't stupid he knows people are always after him, I feel like someone may be trying to sabotage him by putting his name in that goblet." You thought about what she said, maybe I should ask him. You knew a lot of people in the school were angry at Harry, and avoiding him, but you were going to find him at some point and ask.

"Earth to y/n."

"Oh sorry Charlotte, I ran away with my thoughts." You explained to her.

"I asked if there's any development on you and Fred, because sometimes i don't think a knife would even cut the sexual tension between you two."

"There's not really anything new, we did make out earlier after you left. I almost didn't stop, I wanted him to take me on the library table. But I contained myself."

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't know if I'm one hundred percent ready. I will know if I am, but I just don't know yet." You said to her, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Fair enough, but I think you and I have both noticed Angelina. Why is she showing interest in him all of a sudden. I asked if she liked him and she didn't answer, so I'm assuming she does." Charlotte told you.

"I know, every time I'm not around she wriggles herself to Fred, I always get a little annoyed because I feel like that's why she isn't talking to me. But I don't think I have anything to worry about."

"That's right, because you are hot, sexy and Fred would be stupid not to make out with you."

"Preach it." You both laughed before removing the face masks and washing your faces. You spoke for a while in your dorm talking about some other things, more light conversations, and eating a few snacks before heading to sleep.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now