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You woke up the next morning in shock sitting up rapidly. You had had a really vivid dream of being back at the manor- but as you look around it was clear that it was not not true.

"Y/n are you okay?" Fred asked sitting up next to you.

"Bad dream." You replied, "is there anything I can wear to get out this dress?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'll find you something." He got up from his bed and walked over to his wardrobe. You noticed that the room now also held Ron and Harry, sleeping on the floor. However they both had woken up from your panicked state.

Fred came back to the bed and put down some pyjama trousers and a hoodie of his.

"They will be too big for you but it's better than this." He began to undo the back of your dress, "turn away." He said to Ron and Harry.

You closed your eyes as he undone the dress, tracing his pinkie finger down your back after each button was opened.

You tried not to flinch or break down from the delicate touches, the complete opposite of what you had experienced for months.

He helped you up and let your dress fall to the ground. He lifted up your arms and slid the jumper on, ignoring every mark and scar on your body. He also held open the trouser legs for you to step into. You placed both your hands onto his shoulders and kept them on as he stood, bringing the trousers up with him.

You stayed stood like this for a while, holding his shoulders as he looked down on you.

"Where were you my darling?" He asked you, looking into your eyes.

"The Bardot manor." You replied, feeling yourself closer to tears once again. They made you so weak, you had cried more in the past three months than you had done your whole life.

"Why?" He questioned.

You felt that Ron and Harry were watching and listening into the conversation.

"I'd rather not get into it around these two." You said looking at both the boys. Fred nodded and continued to hold eye contact with you.

Molly came into the room, interrupting the moment you were having with Fred.

"Y/n, are you okay?" She asked you, giving a very sympathetic look.

No. The answer was no. You had been kidnapped, abused and watched your mother take the curse for you, dying at your feet. You were in so much pain and felt a piece of who you were breaking down more and more everyday. Even though you had only been out of the manor for the night, it was haunting you. You would never feel safe walking alone again.

"I am, but we need to get into contact with Azkaban." You turned and faced Molly, she nodded and left the door frame.

"What did he do to you?" Fred interrogated, tucking some loose strands of hair behind your ear.

"Do you think I could use the shower?" You changed the subject and took your hands off Fred's shoulders completely.

"Uh, yeah. You know where it is." He smiled and let you be on your way.

You didn't want to bring all your burdens onto the family, you didn't even know yourself why they were all at the twins flat. Something had clearly happened to their house- since there were boxes of their stuff either fine or semi charred.

Walking into the bathroom you instantly took off Fred's jumper. You looked into the mirror and down at your body. You were black, blue, purple and red all over. He didn't bring it up.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now