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The day was normal that morning, which was the crazy part about it. You went out food shopping, before getting ready and going off for work.

The alley was unbearably quiet and everyone was aware of several death eater sightings, everyone just assumed it was them trying to claim dominance and power over the wizarding world however everyone had been advised to just ignore it and try to carry on with everyday life.

It was unsettling, Fred especially didn't like the thought of you walking around the alley on your own.

"Come down to the shop first and I'll make sure to walk you down." Fred said, looking out of the window.

"Freddie, I'll be fine. I'll come back everyday after work to come and see you." You reassured, "but you have to stay here at the shop. You have a business."

"I know but I have responsibilities, as your boyfriend I need to make sure you are safe." He was concerned.

"And I am safe, I have to go now. I'll come back to the store later after my shifts done." You put on your cloak and left the store.

"Bye Georgie!" You yelled.

"Goodbye Bardot! I'll see you later." He yelled back.

"And I'll see you later, I love you freddie." You kissed him a final time and left.

This time as you made your way to the store you noticed the streets were more empty than usual. You held your wand tightly and stayed aware at all times.

"Hello dear. I'm going to leave you in charge for today just for a little while. I doubt many people will come in, but I have a little business to attend to." Your boss said.

"Okay Clara, I should be fine round here. I'll see you later on." You smiled as she left the building.

Even though you had only had your job for a little while you loved every second of it. You were out of the house and finally were doing something for yourself. You loved your boss too, she was much more laid back than you had originally thought and cared very much for you.

As she had told you the alley was quiet. It was always quiet. The sky was grey as autumn was creeping in and the atmosphere of the wizarding world was extremely low. You had spoken a little more through letters to Dumbledore, you insisted on helping but he now wasn't too sure for your safety.

The day was as slow, slower than usual. But you knew after work was done you were going to get back to the twins and hang out with them for a short while. It was so close to being the end of the week too- meaning Fred was going to stay at your house. You missed having close time with him massively. It was harder than expected to get alone with Fred around the burrow at summer- making it equally as hard to make many memories with him.

The afternoon stuck, Clara wasn't back yet so you thought you would just lock the shop for a little while and get something to eat. You put on your cloak again, pulling up the hood and began walking towards Weasley Wizard Wheezes, as you kept your lunch in their fridge.

They were back, the deatheaters were back. A few of them stayed lined up against the walls again. It was always the same formation, which made things very strange. As always you kept your head down low, they wouldn't bother you then. 

People were guessing that they might be on the hunt for certain people or 'blood traitors' but others just assumed they wanted the witches and wizards to know, they weren't going anywhere.

"Are they out there?" Fred asked frantically, as you took down your hood.

"Who?" You acted unaware.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now