Lunch Date

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Waking up the next morning, you weren't quite sure how to react. You wanted whatever path you were on with Fred to go at your speed, but keeping it all a secret just wasn't good enough anymore.

It was becoming increasingly difficult to restrain public displays of affection towards him. Both George and Lee knew for certain you two were becoming a bigger thing as the days and weeks went by, but chose to avoid bringing it up- unless they were teasing you about it.

The autumn weather was very much apparent at hogwarts, meaning you were to wrap up a little warmer. You chucked on a burnt orange crewneck just with some plain black jeans and thick socks. You were not entirely hungry in the morning so skipped breakfast. You took the empty common room to your advantage laying on the sofa, in front of the fire continuing to read.

"Just ask her Freddie. I'm sure she will say yes." You heard Lee say.

"Yeah well what if she doesn't?" Fred asked back.

"Ask who what?" You asked sitting up from the sofa.

"Oh y/n, hey y/n." George said, scurrying off leaving Fred standing near the sofa alone.

"Y/n, I have a question." Fred stated, standing very awkwardly in front of you.

"Okay? What is it?" You questioned.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a proper date with me, we can like sneak out the castle or wait until the next Hogsmeade trip. Either or way do you want to?" You could tell he was very nervous for your response.

"I'm not sure." You said, playing with him.

"You're not?" He replied, looking quite let down.

"Yeah, I'm not sure I can wait until the next trip. I say we sneak out." You stated.

Fred's face lit up again as he smiled to you, "how about today?" He questioned.

"Okay, what time?"


"Okay, I'll meet you back down here at 12:30." You stood up and kissed his cheek, going to return your book to the library trying to contain your excitement.

You walked the halls, absolutely thrilled. This date could be a proper insight into what romantic things you and Fred could get up to.

You were most likely going to change later on, before leaving into something a little nicer.

You walked into the library and put your book back onto its shelf, turning the corner and seeing Hermione sitting and studying.

"Mione." You said pulling a chair and sitting next to her.

"Oh hey y/n. You okay?" She asked, closing her textbook.

"I mean yeah, are you studying for your OWLS?" You questioned.

"Yeah, I hope I pass." She seemed unsure of herself.

"Hermione, do not question your intelligence. You are one of, or even the most, smartest people I know."

"So is there anything I can do for you?"

"No not really, I am going on a date though." You smiled.

"With Fred I'm guessing." She raised her eyebrows.

"Maybe." You continued to smile.

"I like you both together you know, I've seen you around- he seems good for you." Hermione said.

"Well I mean, I'm pretty sure I like him a lot, but this date I think will set feelings in place." You admitted.

You were able to find a new book and go back towards your common room to get dressed.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now