Attack of the Alley

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You were still with the Weasleys for the summer, being left to enjoy the weather as the boys were off at work.

"So tell me y/n, why did you buy their shop for them?" Molly asked, sitting in front of you with a mug of tea.

"I know you wanted them to follow the boring norms and get jobs at the ministry but I saw how their eyes lit up talking about starting the business. I didn't want them to waste the money they had saved on buying and maintaining a building and, I have enough money, so I might as well put it to good use." You said, folding the corner of your book page and engaging in conversation.

"I just don't want them to fail and have nothing to fall back on." She was giving a slight concerned and disapproving look.

"I promise you Molly, I wouldn't have encouraged it if I didn't think it would work. You've seen how the business is for them- it's working wonderfully. Plus things are turning out there, everyone knows it. People enjoy a bit of excitement these days." Things in the wizarding world were now very tense. The old minister stood down after the truth of Voldemort's return was discovered- out of fear everyone assumed. Both witches and wizards were much more aware of the threat put inside of the wizarding world, even from your muggle home you could sense things were turning (and not for the better).

"It's starting to really feel dark out there isn't it?" Molly asked looking over your head out the window.

"It is, but whatever happens we will all stand by each other." As you studied her face you noticed she was in a sort of a trance, her eyes beginning to well up.

"Sorry dear, anyway are the boys staying at their shop tonight?" She questioned.

"I believe so, they have an earlier start tomorrow. I might go and surprise Fred and George and sleep over." You told her.

"I think they would love that, they've been very tense and stressed out." Molly responded.

You continued the conversation for a short while before deciding to pack a bag to stay at the twins flat. You also got showered and changed into some more daring underwear in hope of reliving Fred slightly from his stress.

You finished getting ready, making yourself look much more presentable and got ready to go. Even though you had been staying in the same house as Fred it was hard to get any time alone, the house was always full or he was off at the shop. You needed to spend whatever time you could with him at whatever time plausible.

"Are you off then y/n?" Molly asked from the kitchen.

"Yes I am, I'll most likely be back tomorrow if not a couple of days." You shouted back getting ready to apparate to Diagon alley.

"Tell the boys I love them and will be back down to them soon." She smiled just as you left the room, instantly appearing outside their shop. It seemed a little more dark in the streets, the only light and happiness coming from Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. Neither of the boys were expecting you so you wanted to try and sneak past into their apartment unseen.

You walked into the store trying not to bring much attention to yourself and darting up the stairs.

"Alohomora." You whispered, the door unlocked. You walked in- locking the door back up after you.

You had put all the stuff into your charmed extendable bag for the stay. As you reached Fred's room you took out mostly everything and put it into his drawers hiding your bag inside the drawer too. You had to wait out a couple of hours until they closed the store for the day- giving you just enough time for a sustainable nap.

"I'm telling you George, we might have to hire more staff by the time the first years start coming to Hogwarts." Fred said, coming through their front door.

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