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Fred's POV
Shit. Everyone was shocked to see Cedric come back lifeless. The whole school and all the witches and wizards were crowding around as Amos mourned his son. All but one, "y/n."

"What?" George whispered.

"Where's y/n?" I replied.

He looked around the crowds and noticed she wasn't there.

I shoved past all the people, trying to find her. I knew this would mess her up. From my mistakes she really relied on him, for everything. She mustn't have gone too far.

I practically ran to the castle. I couldn't see her. I got to the common room.

"Y/n?" She wasn't there.

I ran up the stairs getting to the girls dorms. As I got to hers the door was open, but she wasn't there. I started to turn away until I heard hysterical whimpers from outside her window. I tuned back. I remembered the spot outside her window she showed me. I walked closer.

"Y/n?" I stepped out her window.

She didn't move at all but sat with her hood up, crying non stop.

I didn't say anything but I sat next to her. She didn't stop crying, she didn't even look to me. I could see the tears drenching through her hoodie.

She still didn't speak but she inched herself closer to me, resting her head onto me, crying looking for comfort. I put my arm around her, pulling her a little closer. Her cry started to calm down, as she was able to catch her breath.

Y/n's POV
The cinnamon scent that radiated off Fred's body was enough to calm you down a small bit. You did find calmness within him. You weren't forgiving him by any means yet but you needed to talk, not only for you but for Cedric.

"Fred?" You said, snivelling.

"Yes?" He replied calmly.

"I'm ready to talk." You admitted.

"Really? Now? Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked.

"Positive." You said, taking your head off him.

"Y/n I really don't think it's-"

"Please Fred." you pleaded.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked.

"What was the real reason Fred? Don't lie to me. Not now."

"I was drunk. I won't lie. I saw you with Adrian and Charlotte told me that you accepted a date with him. I got mad, I was jealous. And I wanted to forget you, not you but my feelings for you. Because I liked you, I more than liked you y/n." He looked towards you.

"Do you like her at all?" You asked.

"No. I promise you. It was a stupid mistake. I regret it more than anything in my life." He explained.

"I believe you." It pained you to believe him, but deep down you wanted to move past it. You needed him. You needed all your friends, "and now?"

"What about now?" He asked.

"How do you feel now?" You questioned.

"I feel the same. Maybe stronger. I deeply am sorry for everything."

"I know. I'm sorry too."

"Y/n you don't have anything to be apologising for." He told you sternly.

"I kissed Adrian to annoy you, I lashed out without your explanation. Cedric told me to talk to you. I wanted to listen." Tears started to fall from your eyes again.

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