Taking The Control

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Just a little FYI this chapter is practically just smut so if you don't want to read that is perfectly fine feel free to skip and I'll see you in the next chapter, if you don't skip feel free to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride ;)

The Christmas season was now over, Ron had been gone for a couple of weeks now and the year was 1998.

Things with you and Fred were impeccable, you didn't think there was much room for improvement but you were so wrong.

Every second you could you'd look down at your promise ring from Fred and remember the promise he made with it, that this was forever.

You were two years into your official relationship but it all felt like it was only just the beginning for you and Fred.

Both the twins were out for the day doing Lee's radio show and George offered to sleep round to give you and Fred the house alone. You loved George an unbelievable amount but it was quite difficult to enjoy yours and Fred's relationship while he was tagging along and waltzing around the house too.

You sat gone alone trying to think of a way to surprise Fred when he got home. You thought of surprising him with a nice dinner and treat it like a date when he got home. You rummaged through the fridge and freezer along with your cookbook and found out you had the ingredients to make some fajita chicken with some lightly spiced chips.

You were preparing the chicken and chips so you could just Chuck them in the oven later when it was closer to the time of Fred being home. You wanted to really take advantage of the time alone completely and went into your drawers.

You found more of your matching lingerie sets and pulled them all out, assessing which one would be best for the evening. You couldn't wear the black one again because you had already surprised Fred with that one before.

You decided on a dark pine green set with very few gold details. You matched it with your black stockings to attach to the garter belt straps. To make yourself look even better you redone your hair and makeup, Fred wasn't going to be able to resist.

You found your satin robe and tied it tightly around your body, hiding any of the lingerie. The plan was that you would just be in the robe without any of the underwear set on show, then gradually make fred aware of what you were wearing by occasionally loosening the tightness of the robe.

Everything was in place, you had dolled up the dinner table and begun cooking the food. You felt proud of the meal you were making as nothing was burnt and all smelt good. The noise of the door unlocking was sounded at the front of the house.

"Hi honey I'm home!" He shouted, mocking old couples that live together. He took off his coat and put his key into the key bowl, "this smells nice." He said from behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the back of your head.

"I thought I would make a nice dinner for us, have almost like a date night type of thing. Since George is staying with Lee." You were almost finished with the dinner and told fred to sit at the table. You took your wand out and directed it towards the big candles, lighting them up.

"How fancy." Fred sat down and poured himself some of the drink that was on the table.

You took everything out of the oven and plated it up for you and Fred to enjoy. After finishing plating up the food you took both dishes over to the table and put one in front of Fred and where you were going to sit.

You had your leg going through the slit of your robe showing off the stocking attached to the garter belt. You could see Fred's eyes traveled and saw it but he coughed and looked back at his plate.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now