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Every since everyone learnt about the Yule Ball, people were getting dates left, right and centre.

After lessons you had also been helping Neville practice the dance you had learnt with Mcgonagall, he told you he really wanted to impress his date and everyone else at the Ball, since he was known to forget and mess up a lot of things.

You were sitting on one of the steps in the castle reading your book, "hello, you are looking quite lovely today." You looked up and saw a boy from durmstrang talking to you, "may I ask for your hand in the ball." He asked you.

"Oh uhm sorry, I can't." You replied looking to him.

"Oh never mind then, have a good day." He walked off leaving you to your book again.

It took about 20 minutes before a boy from Ravenclaw asked you to the ball, you had spoken to him once in your third year, but that was all. You kindly declined.

It was now time for you to enter the study hall, you took your book and went into the study hall room. You didn't have any homework to do, but you had to attend- plus all your friends were going to be there.

As you were about to enter the hall you felt a hand grab your arm, "y/n wait." It was Adrian.

"Hey, Adrian. You okay?"

"We haven't spoken much this year, but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the dance with me. It's fine if you don't want to." He offered.

"Adrian-" you said, ready to disappoint.

"Never mind, I'll speak to you soon." He turned and paced off.

You turned back to the entrance and walked in. You took your seat opposite the twins, they were both studying.

"So y/n, how many people have asked you now?" Charlotte whispered. Quite a few people had asked you to the ball, you suspected it could have been because of your vault, you declined them all.

"I don't know, another 3." You huffed. It annoyed you when people asked, you didn't want any of those people asking.

"Y/n, you are literally the talk of the town with the boys this year." She added.

"Miss Chantey, I advise you stop talking." Snape said from behind us.

You sat and read a little more, until you finished your book. You got up from your chair and went over to snape.

"Yes Miss Bardot."

"Is there any chance I could go to grab another book, I've finished this one." You asked.

"Yes, however do not take to long." Snape warned.

"I won't, thank you." You turned and began walking out of the study hall. On your way to the library another durmstrang asked you to the ball, you declined. You didn't want to admit you kind of wanted to go with Fred, not some random boy, but he hadn't asked.

You went to the library and changed your book. As you entered the hall again you noticed Fred passing his younger brother a note. You sat down acting as if you weren't watching the interaction.

You heard a faint whisper from Ron, "who you going with?" Now I know this is about the ball.

You saw a piece of paper fly over the table, hitting angelina.

"Angelina, Angelina." Fred whispered, "do you wanna go to the ball with me?" He mimed as he spoke, asking Angelina to the ball.

You looked at him as Angelina accepted his offer. Before he could notice you, you were back to reading- acting as though it didn't bother you.

You saw Hermione get up and leave, soon after Fred's little message to ron. You decided to follow her out, making your whole group turn with confused faces.

"Mione wait up." You shouted as she walked off.

"Hey y/n." She stopped and turned.

"What happened?" You asked, noticing she was annoyed.

"Ron, he's a bloody idiot."

"So's his brother I guess. I'm assuming it's about the ball." You said.

"Yes, he doesn't have a date yet, so he wants to use me as his last resort- but viktor has already asked me. Don't tell anyone though, please." She pleaded.

"I won't, don't worry. Now I need to go do something I will definitely regret later." You said turning, going towards the dungeons.

You stood outside the slytherins common room entrance, knowing someone was bound to go in soon enough.

"Well well boys what do we have here? A gryffindor at the Slytherin common room." It was Marcus, with his little gang.

"Marcus, will you do me a favour. Can you get Adrian for me. I need to ask him something." You asked.

"Only if you will do something for me princess."

"Whatever you have in mind, it's a no. Now I suggest you get Adrian before I grab your Crown Jewels and rip them off your body." You threatened.

"Girls got the talk, I respect it. I'll get him." He walked in.

You waited a few minutes before Adrian came out.

"Y/n, what is it?" Adrian questioned.

"I would love to go to the ball with you, if you'll still take me." You said, smiling at him.

"You would?" He replied, a smile forming on his face.

"Yes. I would. Meet me outside the gryffindor common room just before 8." You ordered.

"I'll be there."

"Good I'm looking forward to it."

You went back to your common room, he won't be too bad. Right? Adrian had always had a soft spot for you, and you kind of felt the same towards him, maybe not to the same level but, going to the ball with him wouldn't hurt anyone.

You walked into the common room and now all your friends we there, sitting on the couch.

"Y/n I need to ask you something." Lee said, standing from the couch.

"Uh, come to my room and ask me I have to find something." You said running up the stairs.

Lee followed you close behind entering your dorm.

"What you looking for?" Lee asked.

"I'm not, I just am a bit annoyed." You said sitting onto your bed, "anyway what's your question?"

"I don't have a date yet for the ball, and I know you've been turning people down. I'm not using you as a last resort but do you want to go with me, platonically of course." He offered.

"Why didn't I think of that." You shamed yourself, "I kind of went back to someone who asked me and said yes. I'm so sorry Lee, you'll find someone and if not I'll save you some dances."

"That's fine, I'll go ask Charlotte or something, who you going with?"

"Can't say." You told him, almost in shame.

"I understand, I'll be off." He stood and left your dorm, closing the door behind him.

Why wouldn't fred ask me. He's only been making out with me for like a year and felt me up in my dorm the other week. He's so dense. I knew Angelina was trying to wriggle her way in.

You decided to not let it play on your mind too much, and get ready to go for dinner instead.

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