The Tri-Wizard Champions

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Everyone was gathering into the hall, as the 3 names were being selected out of the goblet.

You sat with your group on the back table, surrounded by other Gryffindors and students.

"Sit down, please." Dumbledore introduced himself to the crowds, "now the moment you've all been waiting for, champion selection!" He moved his hand around the hall, before walking up to the goblet placing both hands on it.

"I'm nervous you know. Because it won't be long until the tasks begin, what if someone gets hurt, or even dies?" You said, feeling very on edge.

"It will be fine y/n, try not to overthink it." Fred replied, trying to ease your nerves.

Everybody stated in anticipation, until the blue flame turned a pinky red colour. A piece of parchment flew out into Dumbledores hand.

"The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!" A loud cheer was heard from the bleachers they were all sitting on, along with some Hogwarts students cheering for him. He got up from his seat and walked to a door on the side of the hall.

The goblets flame turned red again, as another piece of parchment flew out, everyone silenced themselves. "The champion from Beuxbatons, is Fleur Delacour." She walked up all dainty, going to shake Dumbledores hand, before walking through the same door as Krum.

"Who do you think it'll be?" Lee asked, talking about the Hogwarts champion.

"I'm not sure, but I hope it's a Gryffindor- gives us an excuse to party." Charlotte said, leaning in slightly.

You giggled slightly, trying to hide your nerves.

Finally, another piece of parchment flew out of the goblet. "The Hogwarts champion-" please don't be Cedric, please don't be Cedric, please don't be-

"Cedric Diggory!" You gasped slightly. The hall erupted into cheers, claps and chanting. He stood up grinning unconditionally, walking to shake Dumbledores hand. You seemed to be the only one not overly excited about Cedric competing. You were happy for him, he seemed like he was looking forward to it, competing. But something didn't sit well with you.

"Diggory, wasn't sure he would have been up for it." Fred said to the group.

"Guess no gryffindor party then." Charlotte sighed.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this challis of champions, this vessel of victory. The tri wizard cup!" Dumbledore shouted, Crouch pulling a cover off a blue, glowing trophy.

You looked and noticed the flame was moving again,

"Guys look." You pointed at the cup.

"What's it doing?" George asked leaning to see it more intently.

"It looks like another name is going to be picked." Fred said, also watching the cup.

Dumbledore had now also noticed this, the flame soon turned red as another name flew out. Everyone was so confused, all silent with the anticipation.

"Harry Potter." Dumbledore said quietly. Harry soon sat down. Everyone turned to face him.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted. You looked around, you looked around your group, everyone was extremely confused.

You looked over to him, Hermione was forcing him up, to retrieve his parchment.

"How's he managed that?" Fred asked, sounding fairly frustrated.

"We made an ageing potion and we didn't get in." George said, matching his brothers tone.

"That can't be possible." You added.

Harry wakes up, eyes following his every move. He took his parchment out of Dumbledores hand and began walking towards the door all the other champions had walked through. As he walked many people shouted at him, calling him a cheat.

After leaving the room, Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall. "Everyone please, back to your dorms immediately." He turned and began pacing down the stairs- behind the door. We all stood following his instruction, walking back to the common room.

"Maybe a gryffindor party is in place then." Charlotte awkwardly stated. The group was being fairly quiet, since Fred and George were highly frustrated. They wanted to enter the competition badly, they wouldn't tell you why but whatever it was, not being able to compete annoyed them both.

You walked in and dropped yourself onto the couch, "anyone want to play a game of uno?" You wanted to do anything, to distract yourself from the tension.

"I will." Lee replied.

"Cool I'll be back in a second." You ran up to your dorm and got your card game out of your desk drawer.

After leaving your dorm you looked down to the common room, will she give it a rest. Angelina, next to Fred rubbing his shoulder, easing his anger. Why is it every time I leave, she pushes herself in.

You begun to walk down the stairs.

"Say angie, want to play?" You wanted to act nice, maybe she will stop loitering around Fred.

"No, I think I'm good. I have to go finish an assignment though. Bye guys." She answered you.

"Fred? You wanna play?" He didn't reply but just shifted his eyes to you and back to the fire. "This is my thing I want in return. I want you to play with me." Everyone began chuckling, Fred slightly smirking. It wasn't until you repeated what you said in your head, to realise why everyone was laughing.

"Well do you?" You raised an eyebrow to ask.

"Fine." She slid down from the sofa and sat around the table as you began to play.

Bit of a shorter chapter than usual but I didn't really have much to write here, hope you don't mind.
Hope you're safe and well xo
-i <33

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