Being 20

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You had woken up earlier than the twins to quietly decorate the house for their birthday. You had gotten balloons, banners and all sorts for them. Especially being in the house the twins needed a cheerful birthday and still one they could remember for the rest of their lives.

You had also gotten a cake, which you ended up decorating with all of the favourite sweets and chocolates both twins had fallen in love with over the last months. They had both told you not to get anything for their birthdays but you got them both a gift anyway for them to open. You also had apparated to the burrow to pick up a card from Molly and Arthur.

You were planning on meeting up with their parents but word on the street was, the deatheaters were fully active and roaming around aimlessly. They weren't messing around at all, they were close. You always just had to assume they were outside your front door.

Knowing the twins would be shocked and happy, like little children, at the decorations you picked up your camera and walked in to wake the boys up one after the other. You started off with George, knocking and slowly entering his room. He was sound asleep but you knew he would want to be awake for the birthday surprises.

"George." You gave him a little shake.

"What?" He groaned.

"It's your birthday, and I have a surprise for you."

He opened one eye and looked at you, then around the room.

"What is it?" He asked, slowly sitting himself up.

"I'll call you in when i want you to see, no peeking okay?" You wanted to give him time to wake up properly.

"Okay." He agreed.


You left his room and closed the door. You made your way back towards your room where Fred was sleeping.

You leant over his face, admiring how peaceful and sweet he looked.

"Freddie." You were brushing some of his hair off his face.

You smiled down seeing him nudge his face further into the pillow.

"Boo!" He screamed in your face, making you jump out of your skin.

"You fucking idiot!" You shouted, hitting him in the face with a nearby pillow.

"Happy April fools darling." He grinned, pulling you on top of him in the bed.

"No, fuck you. Come out when I call you." You ordered walking out the room and closing the door.

You took your camera off of the fireplace and knelt down in the centre of the living room. You had a clear shot of both the doors the twins were coming out of.

"Georgie you can come out now!" You shouted, holding your camera to your eye.

You could see him slowly opening the door. As he opened the door fully a charmed confetti canon went off. You took the moving photo of his excited reaction to the confetti while laughing as he jumped out of his skin.

You let the picture come out and sit on the table next to you to develop while he came and looked at everything else you had set up.

"Right Fred, you can come out now." You held your camera to your eye again and waited for Fred to come out the door. A similar thing happened to him with the confetti making him laugh a little and look around the room at the other decorations.

You waited for both photos to develop fully as the twins went into the kitchen/ dining area to see all the food you had spread out for them.

"Do you like it all?" You asked standing at the other end of the room.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now