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You stayed out in the flurry's of snow, unconditionally smiling.

Love. What a strange concept. I have no other words to describe it other then Fred. I don't feel as though I could stand here and say we choose the one we love, because I didn't choose to fall head over heels for this man. I feel home with him. He's my person and I his. Love is something I rarely felt, besides my grandmother I had no one to say I love you to. Things are looking up for me- I can see it.

You kissed Fred one more time before deciding to head back indoors, "I love you y/n." Fred reminded you.

"I love you too." You grinned and walked in, shaking the snow off.

"There you both are, what were you doing outside?" Moly asked, sliding your jacket off your shoulders.

"I wanted to go and see the snow but I didn't want to go out there alone." You told her.

"So she took me because I'm such an alpha male." Fred tensed his bicep.

"Such an alpha male indeed." You laughed walking through the house.

The whole family and sirius were gathered infront of the fire, playing board games. You took a position with Fred sat next to you. You held his hand under the table. As you played along you felt yourself getting tired. You leant your head on Fred's shoulder trying to keep your eyes open.

"Y/n you're falling asleep." Ginny laughed.

"No im not!" You said sitting up, "I'm perfectly fine and awake."

"Right y/n I'd like you to go off to bed. Fred will you make sure she gets up the stairs please." Molly ordered, standing you up.

"Sure, come on y/n. Let me tuck you into bed." You laughed as Fred took your hand and dragged you up the stairs.

Fred opened your door and let you in first, "when you go to bed can you like apparate in here and sleep with me?" You asked, fluttering your eyelashes.

"Of course I can darling. You should sleep though."

You got dressed and into bed. Falling asleep almost instantly.

You had a mainly peaceful sleep, other than hearing Fred apparating into your bedroom and getting into bed with you. "Goodnight darling, I love you." He whispered gently kissing your temple before curling up with you and falling asleep.

"Right kids come on come on! Let's go!" Molly was rushing around making sure you all had everything you needed for school and were ready to go out the door.

Christmas was well and truly over now, it was all down to you all getting to the platform and seeing the toads face again.

"Oh good y/n dear you're ready, that eases my stress a little more." She held her hand over her heart.

"Why?" You giggled.

"We're done now too!" The boys both apparated behind you with their bags and trunks.

"When you're done they're not far behind." Molly said smiling. You walked off to go and hurry along the other children.

"Well, I wonder if Christmas and New Years fixed umbridge." You said.

"We all know that will not be the case." George said rolling his eyes.

"One can only hope." You sighed.

"I'm sure everything will be okay y/n." Fred said holding your shoulders and lowering his face to kiss your cheek.

After he had let go sirius walked in, "thank you for letting me stay at your home sirius." You smiled.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now