Missing Person

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Some sensitive topics involving neglect and abuse are covered in this chapter, please skip if it is a trigger warning for you x

Fred's POV
"I can't calm down mum! Don't you understand? It's been over a month now and we've heard nothing! Shit all. She's just vanished." I shouted, I didn't mean to get angry all the time but I had no clue where she had gone, and I know of all people she wouldn't just go and not tell a soul.

"Mate, you have to. There's posters all over looking for her, we will find out in good time where she is." George told me, trying to calm me down.

"What if she's dead?" I asked, "what happens then?"

"Fred, don't talk like that. She will come back." My mum told me, she was quite worried on the inside but wanted to seem as calm about the situation as possible.

"And what if she doesn't." No one replied.

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact of her leaving, gone into thin air with no singular sighting. She wasn't exactly someone who's name you didn't know around the wizarding world, so how could she be sneaking around without a trace.

Everyday I would go round the places she could possibly be at, every time I sent a letter it would come straight back, completely untouched. I had a feeling that I could be going crazy.

It all made me raise the question, if maybe she had left me.

Y/n's POV
The same old day. You laid alone on your bed, locked away from all normalities- kept like a prisoner. You had yet seen your mother around the house.

Everyday you begged for freedom nothing would make the cut, nothing but handing over the vault. You would never do that to the wizarding world, men like your father should never have opportunity to corrupt what ever they touch from the dirty money and power they believe they have infinitely.

Your head turned to the door as it's handle was slowly being opened. One of your fathers men, coming to collect you for the only meal you were given. 

Over the course of the time you were at the manor it was clear you had lost weight. You were not getting the sufficient amount of food you required and therefore became ever so slightly malnourished.

The man sat you in your chair at the dining room table. You always sat opposite your father- to keep an eye on you and ensure you don't manage to do anything stupid.

The food was served. Your father yet to be seated.

You were hungry and couldn't wait any longer, you began to eat.

"How dare you, eat before the other guest is present." Your father hit the back of your neck with his cane.

He hadn't changed at all since you left the last time, you were covered in bruises head to toe from where he had been swatting you with his cane. He said he was doing it to teach you how to respect a man, before he was to pair you up with one.

"Well maybe if you didn't take so long I wouldn't have to wait." You spat as he walked past.

"Don't you dare talk back to me, you are going to make it extremely hard for yourself to find a respectable man with this attitude." He spat back.

"For yourself you mean." You scoffed.

He turned at your words and darted towards you, wrapping one of his hands tightly around your throat. You looked at his face, a disgust face plastered on yours as you tried to maintain yourself.

You began to smile as you conjured your force.

"Enough Rodger!" You heard a voice scream as you sent him flying back slightly from your force.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now