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After the first task we were all directed to go back to our common rooms. All the Gryffindors were waiting for Harry to arrive, ready to begin celebrating his victory.

He soon arrived, holding his golden egg. We all surrounded him cheering and clapping at his victory. You looked around and now Harry was on the twins shoulders,

"Why?" You asked yourself assessing what you were looking at.

"Knew you wouldn't die Harry! Lose a leg."

"Or an arm."

"Pack it in all together."

"Never!" The twins said praising Harry on their shoulders.

"Well done Harry, I knew you could do it." You added.

"No y/n, pretty sure you sheltered yourself thinking he was going to die." Fred exposed you.

"Thanks anyway y/n, I appreciate it." Harry said.

Seamus passed the egg to the front of the crowds, giving it to Harry, "Go on Harry. What's the clue?" He asked.

"Who wants me to open it?" Harry said, showing off his egg. The whole common room cheered, "you want me to open it?" Everyone cheered again.

He twisted the egg to open it, a deafening screech came out of it. Everyone covered their ears, the twins dropping Harry.

"Holy shit, I didn't like that." You stated once the egg closed.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron said, standing in the entrance of the common room. It was common knowledge that Ron and Harry had fallen out, over Ron's jealousy of thinking Harry put his name into the goblet.

"All right everyone, go back to your knitting. This is going to be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening it." George said, turning round going towards the dorm stairs.

"Y/n come with." Fred said ushering you to their dorm.

You soon followed them both to their dorm, when you got up Lee was already sitting on his bed, doing some work.

"Oh y/n." He sprung from his bed. "If I would have known you were coming I would have tidied." He started picking dirty pieces of clothing off the floor and ingredients for products the twins had been making.

"Don't you lot worry about changing your disgusting boy habits for me." You giggled sitting onto one of the beds. You had been in the twins dorm but it was more normal for everyone to go to yours, since you had your own.

You saw George take off his jacket and throw it onto his bed. Fred done the same process but checked it onto you instead, since you were on his bed.

"Thanks Freddie, I really appreciate that." You took his coat off your head.

"M'lady let me show you some respect." Lee said bowing and holding his hand out for you. You sprung up and took it, "why thank you."

"You both are so cringe sometimes." George said watching as Lee led you to his bed, wrapping you in one of his blankets.

"Shame." You replied. You and Lee always had a close relationship, more of a brother and sister relationship. He was your first friend at Hogwarts, introducing you to the rest of the group a few days after you first met.

You stayed in the boys dorm for the rest of the evening, after dinner until you were ready to go to bed.

"I should go, I'm tired." You stated.

"Okay night dar.... y/n."

"Fred, what was you about to call her there?" George asked, smirking.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now