-Charlotte Chantey x

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Things had been going really well for you, in the sense of moving past what had happened and getting back to a normal life. Clara invited you back to work and you accepted it, Fred would come and meet you after you finished everyday just for the peace of mind and now you alternated between sleeping at his and your own house, with or without Fred.

The winter weather had passed and now you enjoyed the spring time, you were home to celebrate the twins turning 19 with their family. You also were featured in the daily prophet as being one of the bravest and strongest women of the wizarding world (of your era) and had the opportunity to spread the word of the dangers of your father. He hadn't been seen or found still. He was a well known man it made no sense that he would vanish out of thin air with absolutely no trace- but his time will come eventually.

You were at home currently, practicing and perfecting a bunch of spells on a dummy you had bought when a knock was sounded at your door. You hid the dummy and eerily went to the door.

"Fred? What are you doing here?" You asked as you opened the door.

"Someone requires your presence, not that I'm a missive fan of it you're wanted." He rolled his eyes.

"Do I need stuff to take with me?" You questioned.

"Probably just take your bag or something."

"Are you okay love?" You reassured.

"Yeah, you'll see when we get there." He responded.

You turned off all your appliances and locked your door, taking a hold of Fred's arm to apparate with him.

"Why are we at the shop? More importantly why couldn't you tell me?" You asked as Fred began taking you inside.

"You can have my girlfriend." Fred shouted up the stairs.

"Have your girlfriend? What's going on?" You were very confused.

"Ah there's my girl! I'm so sorry I couldn't come and see you earlier." Charlie said rushing down the stairs.

"Charlie! I've missed you." You said excitedly hugging him tightly as he reached you.

You looked over and saw Fred with a somewhat bored expression plastered onto his face.

"Freddie." You said, "I love you." You smiled at him, he tried to hold it in but smiled back a little and tuned to walk to another part of the store.

"How have you been?" You asked.

"I've been okay, a lot better than you it sounds." You hasn't got the opportunity to properly talk to Charlie since the incident.

"Let's not think about that, what are you here for?"

"You. I thought we could go out for a drink or two and have a little catchup."

"Sounds great, give me just two seconds." You went away from Charlie, "hey freddie." He turned around.

"Yes?" He was acting slightly annoyed.

"What's wrong love?" You pouted, knowing you could soften him all too well.

"I don't like when other people are interested in what's mine." He leant down to your level.

"He doesn't want me like that, it's simply platonic. And you know I love you and I don't care for Charlie but at all like that."

"I know and I trust you but, I don't know I just like you being my girl not his."

"I am your girl, now I'm going to go now. I'll be back later to come and see you." You kissed his cheek.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now