Days Away

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A lot of time had gone by, yet you still hadn't escaped or been close since the last time you were caught.

Your mother would now come in everyday and sit and talk to you until she was dragged away. You had yet heard any word from anyone about if anyone was looking for you on the outside world but you told yourself every day that Fred was waiting for you to come home.

You did however, catch a glimpse at the Daily Prophet a few times. You were in the paper every so often- it was a missing persons poster that had been made offering rewards for your safe return. You weren't completely out of hope just yet, you thought maybe you would be able to get out somehow before the big Christmas ball.

Your father was getting heavily stressed over the ball, having all the house elves going round the whole house everyday leading up to the ball to make it seem spotless.

Someone had also been coming in the house (their silence bought) and was teaching you certain ballroom dances and how to present yourself as more elegant to suit men.

One good thing that came from the lead up, was that your father had stopped causing marks to raise on your body. He was well aware that multiple high profile wizarding families were going to be seeing you and mainly interested in you so it wouldn't be a good look to have you covered head to toe with bruises and scratches.

You had no idea how your father was going to explain that you weren't missing or kidnapped to people, as questions were definitely going to be raised.

You were taken out of your room towards the ballroom in your house.

"Y/n, it's great to see you still safe and well since our last lesson." The instructor said confidently as your father stood at the door way.

"Yeah, well I don't have much choice." You scoffed, putting your hair up ready for the lesson.

"Now, this isn't a typical ballroom dance but it is a favourite around the wizarding world. I believe it may have been performed by all the students at the Hogwarts Yule ball a couple of years back." He took your hand and started to recite you through the dance.

You knew this one like the back of your hand. You had done it at a few other wizarding balls when you were younger and learnt it again for the Yule ball.

You went through the beginning of the dance again, through a classical sound.

"Perfect, you're such a quick learner." He said to you.

"Yeah, I uh know this one quite well." You replied.

"Okay, well that's good. Let's go from the next part it, it starts at a lift then carries on with the steps and spins." The man instructed, you nodded and got ready to do the last few steps of the fist part.

You took the mans shoulders as he took your waist and spun you in the air. As you were being spun, it felt as through the time had slowed down completely, almost as though it was frozen. You had a flashback to when you done the dance with Fred in the common room. You still had the moving photo from that day back in your home.

You couldn't help but let a few tears fall, followed by hysterical whimpers at the emotional pain you felt. Everyday you woke up feeling almost numb until something would trigger you to remember the strong life you had outside of the Bardot manor.

Your feet hit the floor again, you shoved the man back looking round the room in a state of almost shock and fear.

"Y/n what's wrong." He asked, going to place his hand onto your shoulder. You swatted it away.

You could see both the guards walking towards you and your father following behind. Each guard took ahold of one of your arms and began dragging you through the house back to your room.

You kicked your feet, hoping they would meet the floor, screaming to be released.

"Shut it, you inconsiderate brat." Your dad ordered.

"Please, I beg of you to let me go I beg I beg!" You cried out.

"You can't just cause a scene and get away with it. Why must you keep disobeying." He took his cane up towards your sides.

"No please! No!" You screamed again, as he struck it multiple times onto your waist.

The guards began moving you again, floods of tears completely drowning your face.

"I just want to go home! Please I just want to go home! Dad please let me go." You cried and begged as you were thrown into the room.

"This is your home." He smirked, and sealed the door shut.

You banged at the door again, laying hopelessly next to it crying uncontrollably. You wanted nothing more to just be able to lay in your bed or spend one more day at the burrow.

You trusted that Fred wouldn't have when considered moving on at all, meaning he could be distraught over the unknowingness of your disappearance.

The evening was falling dark, a plate of food got bought to you this time it sat on the floor of your empty room. You ate it, because if not you would have had nothing at all.

The rest of the evening had you bent over the sink, occasionally looking up to the mirror and falling into a hysterical state every time. You were too young for all this, too young by far. At the age of 18 you never thought you would be getting married and kept hostage at your own house. You hated your father before, but now it was beyond hate. He stripped you of everything you loved, he stripped you of all your power he took you away from the people you loved and he wasn't going to get away with it as easy as he had hoped, and one day you knew you were going to get your vengeance, revenge is on your way Rodger.

Another shorter chapter today, there isn't really too much to write about while she's locked up inside a solitary room. However, the Christmas ball is the next chapter so it may be more interesting for you all!

Instagram- @afredwsimp
Ask me anything you want in the comments xo

Stay safe and well,
-i <33

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