The Challenge

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It had been a little while since you had created the challenge/ bet with Fred to see who will give in to their desires first, you were both holding up strong. You had no intention of losing.

You were often trying to tease your way to victory, if that meant bending over, touching of legs, sitting on laps, deepening kisses- you wanted to win.

It was the DADA lesson, umbridge making you write out your books in silence.

"Hey Freddie." You whispered.

"Yes darling?" He whispered back.

"We're in the back corner you know, no one can see us." You began stroking your finger up his leg.

"Is that so." He started doing the same thing to you, "darling, as much as I want you I'm not going to lose. As I said I'll have you begging for me." He shrugged and started writing again, taking his hand off.

God he's so cocky. You took your hand off too and finished the lesson. Fred took your arm after the lesson was over and walked you out to the courtyard.

Whilst sitting out there with Fred you couldn't stop looking over to where you used to sit with Cedric at breaks and lunches. You could feel a few tears were threatening to fall. You got lost in thoughts of him as some of those tears fell.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Fred pulled you in for a side hug, playing with your hair.

"I just thought about Cedric. God I miss him. He deserved so much more, so much." You sighed, wiping your face.

"He did, but everything happens for a reason. You're only human for missing him."

You nodded and smiled, reading your book again.

"Okay so it's in the common room anyways so everyone should just get ready and come down whenever." You said sitting on the sofa, talking about the party.

"I don't even know what to wear." Angelina stressed.

"Neither, I'll find something." You stood up and started walking towards the stairs, "I'm going to start getting ready, I'll see you all later." You dashed up to your dormitory and hopped in the shower.

After getting out of the shower you sat at your vanity and did your hair and makeup, styling it all to suit the party.

You walked over to your trunk, still with some clothes that hadn't been unpacked, including some dresses for parties. You laid them all out onto the floor and picked up a v-neck, black laced dress and some black heels to match. You accessorised with your jewellery, including the ring Fred got you for Christmas.

You stood in front of your body length mirror; inspecting the outfit. You brushed yourself down and locked up your room. Leaving the girls dorms you could hear that the party had begun, people were singing and shouting over the music. You walked yourself down the stairs and looked for someone you knew.

"Adrian, I didn't know you were coming here tonight." You said, giving him a small hug.

"I don't like to miss out on parties, they're the only fun I really get around here." He shouted over the music, "can I get you a drink?" He asked.

"That would be great! Thank you!" You shouted back.

Adrian left you for a short moment and fetched you a drink, you looked around the room and noticed none of your other friends had come down yet.

"Here." Adrian passed you a cup, "So where are the others?" He asked looking around.

"I think they're all still getting ready." You explained.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now