Ready for Hogsmeade

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You were laying on your front, on your bed, finishing a potions essay waiting for Fred to be finished.

You had finished my essay still waiting for Fred. You ended up lying on your front close to falling asleep. Then the bathroom door finally opened,

"I can't see why George wanted to go fir-" You looked up and had to take in the sight before you. A shirtless Fred, with a towel barely holding up with droplets of water falling out his hair. You blushed slightly, before giggling into your pillow.

"Something funny?" Fred asked slightly confused.

"Sorry I just, I wasn't expecting you to take so long. Like what was you doing in there?" You changed the subject.

"I just enjoy my showers." He said laughing a bit, "anyway we didn't think this through, I don't have any clean clothes to wear."

"Oh right, hold on I'll go grab you something." You said before sneaking into the boys dorms.

You got to their dorm and knocked, "George are you decent?"

"More than Bardot." He said.

You walked on and walked past him, clipping his head, "George stop calling me that."

"Anyways what you looking for y/n." George asked.

"Oh I need some clothes for Fred, he used my shower." George looked at you a bit suspiciously, probably getting the wrong idea.

You went into Fred's trunk and picked out a button up shirt, some jeans and socks.

"See you in a bit Georgie." You said running out their dorm to get back to yours.

As you walked in Fred was still in his towel and sitting on the edge of your bed, making sure his towel didn't slip.

He turned as the door opened, "here you go." You said handing him the stack of clothes.
He stood up holding his towel carefully as you handed over the stuff.

You tuned around around and sat on your bed facing the wall, so Fred could change.

"I had to use your shower stuff you know." Fred said while changing.

"Well what's that supposed to mean?" You asked acting offended.

"Well my hair smells like coconuts and my body smells like lavender, like what's your obsession with lavender?" Fred asked chuckling.

"It calms me, and it smells nice."

"Well that's me done darli-" Fred said swiping his hand across your shoulder.

"Darling? You haven't called me that before." You said chucking at the name

"Right anyways we better go down and wait to go to dinner." You said, leading him out.

As we walked down the stairs the rest of the group were chatting away and giggling in front on the fire.

"What you all laughing at?" You had asked to them all, as they looked up to Fred.

"Oh nothing in particular." Charlotte said to you, winking.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

After talking for a little while in the common room you all went down to the great hall for dinner.

"So are you all going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" George asked to us all.

"I can't my mum wouldn't sign my form." Charlotte said, huffing as she ate her food.

"I am, I want to look for some things, and get out the castle for a bit." You said.

"Yeah I'm going to, I feel like that was was obvious though." Fred chuckled.

"I don't really want to go, I don't have anything to get." Lee told everyone.

"Yeah, I don't think I am either, I have to catch up on so much homework, the school will be more empty so it will be easier to concentrate." Angelina said also eating.

"So I guess it will just be me and you guys." You told to the twins.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Fred exclaimed, smiling towards you.

Fred's POV
As we were eating dinner I couldn't help but look over at her. She had definitely changed over the summer I couldn't look past it.
I looked over to her, laughing and pointing out things in her textbooks. My god y/n Bardot you will be the death of me one day.

Y/n's POV
It was the next day, the first hogsmeade trip of the year. It was just going to be the twins and yourself, which means you were going to be dragged around to honeyduke's and zonko's.

It was autumn, so it wasn't freezing outside but it wasn't at all warm. Due to this you wore some some blue jeans, an oversized lilac jumper with a white turtle neck underneath.

You put your hair up in a messy bun, letting your baby hairs frame your face. After getting ready you walked down the stairs to meet with the twins.

"Well don't you two look dashing. We ready to go?" You asked going down the stairs.

"Absolutely." They both said in unison.

You laughed and lead your way out of the common room. As you all went down to the front doors you gave in your permission slips to Filch.

You were chatting to Cedric about the most recent quidditch match, he was actually really sweet.

"I think you should write to me, you know when we aren't in school." He said to you.

"I would love that." You replied smiling at the older boy.

"Ah diggory, trying to take y/n here. She's ours for the day." Fred said while he and George walked up and stationed behind me.

"I'll speak to you soon, have fun today." Cedric waved as he left.

"What was that for," you playfully hit Fred's stomach, "we were having a great conversation." Fred looked down at me with quite a serious face.

"Right everyone with permission slips follow me." Filch said directing us out the castle grounds. You felt quite sorry for Harry, as you turned and saw him standing at the doorway- clearly unable to attend.

Walking down the hills towards hogsmeade you linked your arms with both the twins,

"I love autumn you know. Perfect temperatures." You stated.

"I quite like winter to be honest, when we aren't playing quidditch." Fred added as you were still walking closer to the village.

"Only because you like throwing snowballs at anyone you see." You told him.

"We wouldn't be great pranksters without being able to actually prank people." George butted in to say.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now