Midnight talk

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You were sleeping, a nice sleep, a safe sleep in the comfort of the burrow. Until you felt something trying to wake you up.

You began to wake up and saw Fred peering over you, you almost jolted at the sight.

"Wanna go outside?" He whispered.

You nodded, and quietly followed him down.

It was dark outside, midnight blue sky surrounding you. You walked for a while admiring the outside, the beauty in simplicity.

You walked out, away from the burrow for a minute until you sat down next to Fred.

"What do you want to know then Freddie. Ask away?" You said, facing the stars.

You knew he was curious, maybe even worried, about what happened over the summer.

"Who did this and why?" He asked taking your hands and touching your knuckles. You flinched slightly, as the bruising still hurt.

"My father, he found out my grandmother died."

"So he took his sadness out on you? That's totally outrageous."

"No freddie, he took his anger out on me. Many families like mine have family vaults, you know ones that hold millions of galleons, my grandmother left it under my name."

His eyes widened, "how much is in it exactly?"

"A little close to 200,000,000 galleons." You said.

Fred almost looked down in embarrassment.

"I don't even want it, the money. I want what you have. A family and a home." You weren't lying either, the money was nice yes, but money means nothing when you don't have anyone to enjoy it with.

"My grandmother knew of what my father was doing, and knew he was waiting for her to pass- so he inherits the vault. He doesn't desire anything other than money and power."

"Darling I'm so sorry, you should have come here sooner." Fred said, guilt in his tone.

"I didn't want to intrude. But he called me a liar, struck me with his cane almost everyday. I did lie, I didn't want him to find out that I knew the vault was to be mine. I was scared." Fred almost didn't know what to say or do.

You rested your head onto Fred's shoulder, feeling yourself drifting to sleep again.

For a brief second you woke up feeling yourself being lowered onto a mattress and having a duvet pulled over you. Goodnight Freddie.

It was the next morning, not long until the quidditch World Cup, even though you didn't like quidditch, the cup was exciting, the atmosphere of people the joy and excitement.

You woke up, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. For the first time in a while you felt energetic, and ready to motivate.

You looked to both sides of you, and noticed the twins were still out cold. You went over to Fred's bed and shook his body until he woke up, which didn't take too long, you then walked over to George's bed and done the same,

"Boys come on! I actually want to do something today. Make the most of the rest of our summer." You said, huffing as they tried to fall back to sleep.

George had sat up, holding the side of his bed, as he waited to gain his senses. Whereas Fred, was practically asleep again. You stood on his bed, he opened one eye to look at you.

Fred's POV
She was standing on my bed, the first time she had smiled.

"I will jump you know, you can make this easier for yourself Weasley." She said to me, crossing her arms.

I thought it was almost humorous she tried claiming dominance over me, but I let her continue anyways.

I didn't budge, I wanted to see if she would actually begin jumping.

"Fine. Have it your way." And with that she begun jumping up and down over me. I noticed George laughing to himself, before standing up.

"George no you can't, you will break my bed. Mum will be furious." I told him, seeing the drive to annoy me.

"I'll get off Georgie, and you can have a go." She said almost out of breath.

"Fine I'm up, I'm up." I said, getting out of my bed.

Y/n's POV
It felt nice, being in the burrow. You didn't want anyone having an upbringing like yours, you wanted people to have something nice to wake up to.

You walked down, in your pyjamas, as Molly was cooking breakfast. She was making an array of items, to suit the needs of everyone in the house. As you sat the food was being served on the table.

You grabbed your plate and put some bacon, eggs and toast on to it. As you ate you remembered elk. I hope they're treating him well.

After eating and getting reading for the day, you headed downstairs, to Fred holding a Hogwarts letter for you.

"What is is?" You asked, it was earlier than normal for the Hogwarts letters to be sent out, but you brushed past it and began opening your letter.

Fred and George were also opening theirs, as Molly came in the room.

"What did you get Fred?" She asked, obvious disappointment before she had even heard the results.

"I got 2 A's, a D, 2 P's, A T and 2 E's." They were quite good, considering her barely studied.

"Mine are almost the same, I just got another A, and one less E." George added.

"Boys that is not acceptable. You need to be focusing on your studies more than this stupid joke shop idea." Over the summer Fred had written to you, explaining how they wanted to run a jokeshop, instead of working with the ministry. You thought it was cool, going against usual ideals and taking up on a dream you had always desired.

"Y/n dear, what did you get." Molly asked.

You looked down at the paper, and all your grades were brilliant.

"I got uh, 4 O's, 2 E's and 2 A's." You said, almost in shock with yourself.

"That's brilliant dear!" Molly practically shouted, as she pulled you in for a hug.

You then read your supplies list for school, dress robes?

Hello people,
I just wanted to say thank you for any support you have shown on my story! I appreciate it all!! I would be lying if I said I didn't want more people to comment or something, I want to know your honest opinions on what I write,
Stay safe and well <33
-i <3

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