The Second Task

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You were in the library, going to return a book you had just finished, and going to get a new one.

You saw Neville putting some herbology books away,

"Hey Neville." You said walking to him.

"Oh hey y/n, how are you?" He replied.

"I'm great, bit tired. How are you?"

"I'm a bit tired too, I keep staying up all night reading." He flashed a few books to you.

"You really like your herbology, don't you?" You said inspecting his books.

"Yeah, I mean I just find it interesting. How was your Yule Ball?" He asked.

"I mean I didn't stay for too long, I stayed for a few dances but not for the whole night. Was yours any better?"

"I had a great time, I was the last to enter our dorm." He stated.

You lightly chatted when Professor Moody walked through the row you were standing in. Not long after you heard him shout,

"Bardot, Longbottom!" You both moved round, "why don't you help Potter put his books back." Professor moody ordered.

"Yes sir." You replied walking closer to Harry.

"You know if your interested in plants, you'd be better off with Goshhawk's guide to herbology. Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal who's growing gravity resistant trees."

"Neville, no offence but I really don't care about plants-"

"Harry, watch your mouth. He's being nice. The attitude is completely unneeded." You threatened.

"Not unless there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour, then great. But otherwise-" Harry continued.

"I don't know about a turnip, but you can always use gillyweed." Neville stated.

"I've seen that, in snapes cupboard I think." You told them both.

"Why you in Snapes cupboard?" Harry questioned.

"Why do you want to know?" You asked, glaring at Harry.

"What is gillyweed anyway?" Harry asked.

You took Harry's books he wasn't using anymore and began putting them back, while also grabbing a new book for yourself.

By the time you finished, Harry stood with Neville smiling.

"Why are you creeping?" You asked, suspiciously.

"Can you please get me some of that gillyweed?" He pleaded.

"Just because I don't want you to die, I will. I will get it to you by tomorrow morning, before the tasks." You promised.

"Thank you so much y/n, thank you!" He ran off out of the library.

"I'll see you around Neville."

You checked out your book and went back towards the common room.

"Where have you been then?" George asked walking up to you.

"I was at the library. Needed a new book."

"Fred and I may need you to grab a few things, only like 2 things but we think they may perfect a new product. Is there any chance you could grab it?" He begged.

"Why does everyone want me to get their shit together? Yes, I'll do it. But you both owe me big time- tell your brother that." You walked off, to put all your things into your room.

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