Start of Year 6

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When you arrived at Hogwarts you took your trunk and put it in the pile with everyone else's.

You boarded your carriage with your group and begun going towards the castle. You hated the first day, it was so long and you were already hungry. But as you arrived you saw you weren't the only people arriving. A flying horse, drawn carriage was being guided in (almost killing Hagrid) and a massive Viking like boat coming out from under the waters. I'm sure we will find out what this is about soon enough.

You were pushed into the great hall to sit waiting for the sorting ceremony to be over. Once it was and all the teachers were introduced Dumbledore stood up.

"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well." Everyone begun getting distracted by Filch running down the table rows, "you see Hogwarts has been chosen-" he stopped to listen to Filch, who soon ran back. "So! Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The tri-wizard tournament." The hall erupted into whispers. Even though Angelina was being distant and cold with you, she still sat at the table with the group and got involved in the whispers with the twins. "Now for those of you who do not know the tri wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint hearted. But more of that later. But for now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic. And their headmistress Madame Maxine."

Straight after this the great hall doors opened as a school of girls filtered in. All the boys went silent, staring at them in awe. You nudged Fred's leg and caught his attention, you weren't jealous. But you'd seen those eyes before. They skipped through the rows, as they stopped and posed almost, every so often.

After their little performance, the boys were slapping the tables, clapping and standing up, you could almost see the testosterone flying around the room. As you looked down the table you noticed many other girls being quite annoyed at the sight they were witnessing.

Dumbledore took his place again, gathering all of the students attention, "Now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of durmstrang, and their headmaster Igor Karkarov!" Just then a large amount of men begun entering the hall.

They hit their sticks down on the ground while almost marching to the front of the great hall. You now could see many of the boys staring at all the girls reactions, not being so excited anymore. You turned and saw Fred looking at your reaction to the sight before you.

After a few feet of marching and hitting sticks onto the tiling they began running and doing somersaults, making quite the impression. Soon after the headmaster entered with someone who looked oddly familiar.

"Blimey it's him. Viktor Krum." You heard Ron practically whimper as he walked past.

Viktor Krum, yes I remember. The boy from the Quidditch World Cup. One of the students blew a snake from fire as Igor walked towards Dumbledore, he looked very intimidating. The two men greeted each other with a hug.

Soon after we were directed to begin eating.

"I want to enter." Fred said to the group.

"Same, it already sounds bloody brilliant." George added.

"Are you sure? Did you not hear what Dumbledore said. It sounds dangerous I don't want you two getting hurt." You told the eager boys.

"Y/n, they can do what they want. Don't be such a buzz kill." Angelina said, with clear anger and annoyance.

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