Rough mornings

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"My head oh my." You said sitting up in your bed. You rubbed your forehead at the throbbing coming from it.

You recalled you had gotten smashed out of your face the night before at the party. Even though food sounded lovely, you stayed in your bed and took some tablets while drinking water.

Thinking of the night before you felt incredibly guilty about practically using Adrian to make Fred all jealous and pissed off, you knew you had to go and speak to him at some point during the day.

You did however decide to get out of your bed to change your clothes. You took off the outfit you were wearing the night before and took a completely oversized hoodie, putting it on. It reached about halfway on your thigh. You got back into your bed and drink a little more water.

You took your cup from your bedside table, "aguamenti" you said filling it back up.

A light knock was heard from your door.

"Alohamora." You said flicking your wand towards your door, letting it open on its own.

"Hello Bardot." George said chirpily.

"George please be more quiet." You said covering your eyes with your sleeve.

"So did someone drink a little too much last night?" He asked.


"You're rooms a mess y/n, you never let it get this dirty." He pointed out.

You took your want from your table, "Scorgify." You spoke moving your wand around your whole room. All the objects on the floor and out of place quickly moved and everything cleaned its self. 

"Happy?" You asked, looking to him.

"I brought you up some toast. Thought you may want something to eat. You're looking quite similar to Fred right now. He left early took one of the bottles and drunk some in our room. He's not feeling great." He informed you.

"I mean not sure why you're telling me this but great." You replied.

"It's because y/n, everyone saw you kissing Pucey. Fred left straight after. I'm putting two and two together."

"I am in perfect condition to kiss whoever I want George. And everyone has to accept that."

"You know best I suppose." He walked over to your window and opened the curtains. You immediately covered back over your eyes. You heard George laughing and running away towards the door.

You flicked your want at it as it slammed before he could get out, "Colloportus." You said, locking him in.

"Ah weasel, so naive." You forced yourself out of the bed, "you can't win against me." You walked closer. He begun to look a little intimidated as you waved your wand near his face.

"For someone hungover you're very quick." He told you.

"I'm always on guard, always prepared. Always have been." You smiled as you got closer to him, trying to make yourself seem bigger when you were in fact much smaller.

"Close my curtains George." You ordered.

He huffed and walked back to your window, closing the curtain.

"Now you may leave." You stated.

He complied and left your door after you unlocked it. You got back into your bed for a little and waited until your head didn't hurt as much to get up and go downstairs.

You took your book with you and saw right in front of the fire on the floor. Surprisingly, the common room was empty. Everyone must be downstairs for breakfast.

You didn't end up reading, you instead studied the fire. As you were sat in silence you ran off with your thoughts. You got quite deep within them, thinking about your father from last summer, him being a death eater your grandmother passing and Fred with Charlotte. It all brought pain to you, a pain you couldn't undo. You felt your eyes welling up as a few tears fell down your cheeks.


"Hermione, haven't spoken to you in a while how are you?" You wiped your tears with your sleeve, before turning to her.

"Maybe a little better than you seem. Is everything okay?" She asked sitting next to you looking concerned.

"I mean as fine as they maybe could be." You replied.

"I see you don't hang around with your group anymore. You haven't done for a little while. Did something happen?" She questioned.

"I suppose you could say that." You didn't face her, you just kept your eyes on the fire.

"Oh, uhm I think I'm going to go. I need to find Harry." She looked behind you and got up to leave.

You watched her stand then looked behind you. Fred was standing, looking for permission to sit. You just turned your head back towards the fire. He moved and sat next to you anyway.

"Y/n, please we have to talk. It's been months." Fred pleaded.

You didn't reply. You sat facing the fire still, trying not to show your emotions.

"We have to talk sometime, it's killing me."

"Why." You bluntly said.

"Why?" He replied.

"Yeah. Why. Why did you do it?" You asked still facing forwards.

"Y/n I'm sorry, really I a-"

"I asked you why. I've heard your apologies." You could feel the pressure building up inside you again, trailing up your body.

"I don't know." He answered.

"Don't lie Fred." You said, with pain starting to fill your tone.

"I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing." Fred said.

"You're still lying." You felt tears now forming in your eyes again, if he didn't want to tell the truth you didn't want to listen.

You began to stand.

"No y/n, please." He begged as you started to stand.

You stood and looked down at him before leaving. Just as you were about to head to the stairs.

"Oh look freddie. She's back. I'm sure you still have some alcohol in your system, so don't mind me. I'll give you your privacy. Have fun." You said facing your group, making eye contact with Charlotte, letting a few tears fall as you rushed back up the stairs to your dorm.

As soon as you closed your door you got into your bed, letting all your tears fall out. He was lying. He didn't do it because he was drunk. There was another reason. And if he wasn't going to be honest, you didn't have the time to listen.


-i <33

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