Hogsmeade and Black

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You all had arrived at Hogsmeade, immediately dispersing into all the shops.

"Right, where we off to first boys?" You asked standing in front of the shops.

"I say let's go to honeydukes first and Zonkos after, then maybe go to the Three Broomsticks for some drinks before we got back." George stated as we started to walk towards the sweet shop.

Honeydukes was one of those shops that you fall in love with every time you walked in, the sweet scents and the new products were enough to bring a huge smile to anyone's face.

You looked around trying to pick out a few things you may want to buy, to keep in your dorm or give to your friends who didn't come.

You looked up and saw a box of sweets you knew Lee loved but often couldn't afford, but you were way too short to reach the shelf.

"Need help darling?" Fred said from behind you.

"Like you wouldn't believe." You thought, considering his height, he was just going to reach up and grab the box himself but instead you felt a pair of hands grip your waist and lift you off the floor.

"Oh god, don't drop me." You threatened Fred.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

You grabbed the box as Fred lowered you, lingering on your waist.

You looked deep into his eyes, trying to figure out his thoughts.

"Uh yeah I need to go grab some more things I'll only be quick." You said scurrying off into the crowd of students within the store.

What in the hell was that?! You asked yourself, feeling all sorts of new feelings to the situation.

You all finished in honeydukes with a bag full of sweets for all of you, and some treats for your absent friends. And it was onto Zonkos.

You all walked in, the twins went of scanning every single shelf as you went over to Zonko and Bilton.

"Hey guys, how's business?" You asked to them both.

"Could be better if I'm being honest, not many people come down these days." Zonko explained to you.

"We feel as though we should ban these two from buying stuff, but we seriously need the income." Bilton told you with a feeling of sadness covering his face.

"You know I can always help you two, give a small donation to keep you going." You offered.

"Oh no y/n, its fine we will cope." Zonko had told me smiling at my generosity.

Money wasn't exactly a problem for me, my family were fairly rich and supplied me with my own vault from a very young age full of valuable family heirlooms and coins.

Just then you were snapped back by the sound of the twins dropping all the items they had picked up onto the counter.

After leaving the store and saying goodbye to the two men it was time to head to the three broomsticks.

"You know Fred, I think we should get one of those. A joke shop." George said to his twin, "I know we have spoke about it before but I really think we could do it."

That set off a very inspiring conversation, involving all their creations they already had made and the many yet to come.

You stepped into the pub like environment and found a booth to sit the three of you.

"Please let me pay this time." You offered, considering the amount they had spent during this visit.

"You sure?" Fred asked me.


You walked to the bar and saw a familiar Slytherin face sitting on a stool alone.

"All alone are we Pucey," you said to him, "oh three butter beers please," you exclaimed towards the bar tender, "so why you alone?"

"I'm not alone, everyone else is just you know looking at pointless crap." He said to you, clearly annoyed about something, "why you getting three drinks anyway?"

"Oh I'm here with the twins." He rolled his eyes at your response.

"Are you okay Adrian." You asked him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I guess." He coldly responded.

You took your drinks and left Adrian on his stool at the bar.

"Here you g-"

"Why you talking to that prick?" Fred asked with no hesitation.

"Oh Adrian? He seemed annoyed so I asked him what was wrong, why?"

"He gives me a bad vibe."

George was sitting there, looking between the two of you confused about what was going on.

After sitting down everything was normal again, we were all laughing and drinking our drinks until it was time to head back.

You linked on to Fred arm only on the way back as George insisted on holding all of the bags to the castle.

"You are such a gentlemen Georgie, you know that." He's smiled at your words and bowed, pretending he was a prince.

Everyone was walking back to the common room when we all saw, she was gone. The fat lady was gone, and massive scratch marks were ripped in her place.

A crowd started to form as Percy began to push through, soon followed by Dumbledore and Filch.

"What's done that." You asked looking up to Fred.

"Beats me but whatever it is, it's in the castle."He replied, not quite easing your nerves.

At that point Filch had pointed to the fat lady over in an African painting, Fred grabbed your hand and dragged you up the stairs to go see what she said about the attack.

"Dear Lady. Who did this to you?" Dumbledore sympathetically asked.

The fat lady stood up from behind the hippopotamus whimpering and crying, "Eyes like the devil he's got, and a soul as dark as his name. It's him headmaster. The one they all talk about, he's here somewhere in the castle. Sirius Black!"

You hadn't realised you were still holding onto Fred's hand until she said those words, which made you tighten your grip. You weren't often afraid of things but a murderer trying to get into your common room. Well let's just say it didn't sit well.

Dumbledore had us all go into our rooms to get into pyjamas to sleep within the great hall. He wanted a full check of the castle and ensure we were all under safe supervision.

You hadn't assessed that the great hall was to be much colder than your room, and put on a black night dress with your fluffy socks and dressing gown.

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