The Boggarts

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You had finished your first 3 lessons: charms, herbology then double potions, of course being given an essay by Snape- but you had until Friday so that should be no hassle. But it was finally lunch.

You had to drop some things into your dorm before the last lesson, as you were all told that no one required any writing equipment or books. After this, you paced to the great hall in an attempt to find your friends. Luckily, they were at the table eating some sandwiches, and Lee eating some odd looking pasta.

"Hey guys, I can see you all missed me terribly." You said to them all.

"Are you going to try out for the quidditch team y/n?" Angelina asked.

"Absolutely not, I have way more things to do in my spare time then be bossed around by Wood in a game I think it slightly overhyped." You replied.

"I heard that Bardot." Wood exclaimed from the end of the table.

"That was the point Wood."

"Well he can call you Bardot and I can't?" George asked curiously.

"I don't mind when he does it, because he's a captain that's what he's used to- you just do it to piss me off Georgie." You darted to tell him.

He scoffed and continued to eat.

"Do we all have DADA?" Charlotte asked to the group looking down at her timetable.

"I think so, I hope this Lupin is better than the past 2 teachers we had. I mean Quirrell was to scared to do any practical work and Lockheart, I mean to I really have to say anything." You scoffed.

"They were both so shit, we had to learn all the stuff theoretically, because Lockheart was a total fraud." Angelina stated, with clear annoyance.

At that, a bell sounded- meaning it was time for your last class.

"Have you got quidditch practise today then Freddie?" You asked.

"Have you got new nicknames for us y/n?" He asked back almost mocking your tone.

"Well I just thought they sounded cute and I heard Bill calling you them, taking the piss, but still I liked them." You replied.

"Well I like them, and yes Wood's got the whole team on today while also holding try outs, he said he's been working on this new pitch tactic all summer so I suppose I will have no free time."

"And I'll have too much with you lot gone." You said acting heartbroken and full of despair.

You both then walked into the classroom doors, with the Slytherin house mainly already there.

"Ah Bardot." You heard Adrian say from the front of the class.

"Oh hey Adrian." You heard Fred scoff and walk towards the rest of your group as you spoke to the Slytherin boy.

"We need to catch up soon, I feel like I haven't spoken to you in ages." He smiled.

"I'll see if I'm free at some point this weekend we can catch up then." You replied while walking back to my friends.

"Pucey ey?" Angelina said wiggling her brows.

"Oh shut up,  I would never were just distant friends." You said elbowing her side.

"Right gather round gather round." Lupin said from the front of the room, "so after talking with Dumbledore I found out you've not had the best of luck with Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers. Would I be correct." A sound of mumbled agreements filled the room, "Okay, so I have conjured a list of practicals you need for your OWLS that you haven't yet covered, and for this term we will be relearning them, practically." Everyone almost cheered with excitement as we finally get to do the fun stuff of the DADA class.

He spoke us through his rules of the class and some experience he had with the Dark Arts, but you could tell he was refraining from telling us the whole truth.

"So does anyone know what's in this cupboard?" Lupin questioned as the wardrobe shook.

"Is it a Boggart?" Charlotte had answered, unsure on herself.

"Exactly that miss Chantey, 5 points to Gryffindor. Right so I want you to repeat the spell for a boggart after me, Riddikulus."

"Riddikulus." The whole class repeated.

"Perfect, and again."


"Perfect! Now everyone line up please, straight line and can I have.... miss Smith please." A small dark haired Slytherin stepped forward.

We were all waiting patiently until Lupin had stopped giving her orders and the wardrobe began to open.

Just then a clown was walking out the door of the wardrobe and towards the girl,

"Riddikulus." She said as the clown became as thin as paper and as tall as the ceiling, with feet the same size, meaning it couldn't move.

Just then a jazz type of song started coming from a record player as each person stood up for the boggart to change. You were unsure on what your biggest fear was in the moment, until it was your turn.

You stood there and waited for the slug snake thing to change. Just then it swirled in a black cloud and out came your father, he was walking close to you about to shout one of the unforgivable curses at you,

"Riddikulus." You said so weakly as it changed into a bobble head.

Your eyes filled with tears, you looked over to Lupin. You could see in his eyes, he almost granted you permission to leave.

You rushed out the classroom avoiding the shocked faces of anyone in the class. My feet pounding down the halls until you were to reach the common room dorm. Just then your legs stopped working, you collapsed to the floor flooded with tears.

After sitting for a few seconds crying to yourself, you heard the portrait door open.

"Y/n?" It was a familiar voice.

"Fred, go away please." You begged wanting to be alone, but he didn't leave. Instead he picked you up off the floor and took you to your dorm- sorrow filling his face.

You opened the door to your dorm room, and left it open inviting Fred inside, he did just that.

You were sat at the end of your bed, reflecting on what had just happened- feeling almost numb.

If you're reading this please let me know any feedback you have!
-i <3

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