April 1st

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You and Fred had fully made up since what happened in January. You had kissed a few times since the first proper time, on the astronomy tower, without telling anyone else in the group.

Neither of you really wanted to be in a relationship at the current time, but you didn't want to tell anyone about where you two were going, incase it made things complicated.

You were sitting with Charlotte and Lee, whist the rest of the group were at quidditch practise. They were training up to play with Slytherin. The rest of the group were sat in the common room, revising for OWLS.

"Hey guys, it's the twins birthday soon. We have anything planned?" You asked.

"I don't think so, we should plan a surprise party!" Charlotte answered.

"Like in the whole common room, or just us?" Lee questioned.

"I think we should, it would be fun, we could also invite some people from other houses." Charlotte replied.

"That would be so fun! Plus their birthday is on a Friday so people would definitely want to come."

It was set you, Charlotte and Lee were to plan the twins a surprise birthday party for the twins. It was quite exciting actually.

You had gone to Hogsmeade, through one of the secret passageways and bought birthday presents for the twins. You had gone a little overboard in zonkos, but they had new stock in and you wanted to support the business. You also went into a couple of the stores to get some decorations and snacks for the party.

A few days later
It was finally April 1st, you were given duty of distracting Fred during the evening, and Lee was given duty of distracting George. You in some way you wanted to avoid them, they had been pranking people almost the whole day.

You had just finished potions, "wait fred can you come and help me." You asked.

"Sure but with what?" He asked back.

"I need to get a book at the library, and you're tall enough to help me. Then we could probably go to the study hall, before dinner." You smiled and began walking- giving him no choice but to follow.

You entered the library, with Fred,

"I'm sorry I'm dragging you around with my on your birthday, not everyday you turn 16." You said to him.

"Well what else do I have to do?" He chuckled.

You dragged him to the history of magic section, acting as if you knew what you were looking for something specific.

"I think it's that one." You said pointing to a book on the top shelf.

"Are you sure I can't just use magic to get it down?"

"Where's the fun in that Weasley?"

He went to try and reach it, "it's even too high for me love."

You sighed, "okay, I'll get it down with my w-"

You couldn't finish your sentence before Fred was lifting you up so you could reach the book.

"I won't drop you don't worry darling." He reassured.

You weren't 100% worried about being up, but you were worried about flashing someone at some point, you were only in your knee high grey socks, your school skirt. You grabbed the book as Fred lowered you down.

As you got down you put the book on one of the desks, you then looked around and noticed no one was near you in the library. You then pulled Fred by his collar, pinning him against the wall.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now