Keeping An Eye Out

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The summer was over, you were mainly staying at your house, visiting the Weasleys occasionally.

You were leaving today however as you had a job interview at a small wizard shop. You got ready, dressing smartly and getting ready to leave, putting on a cloak.

The skies were still dark, now the muggles were questioning what was going on in the world. After the attack of the millennium bridge no one felt safe. Everywhere you went in the muggle world had people coming up with all types of theory's.

You left early to go and see fred and George before the interview.

You apparated in front of their shop, it was a little less busy than it normally had been, you assumed it was because the school was now open and the alley was a lot less populated.

You walked in regardless, the cloak trailing slightly behind.

"You look expensive." You heard a familiar voice say from somewhere in the store.

"Is that a Jordan I hear." You said turning and seeing Lee loitering in the store.

"Hello y/n, missed ya." He winked and held out his arms, greeting you with a hug.

"I've missed you too, I have a job interview." You spun.

"Do you need more money?" George asked, now coming over.

"No but I need something to do." You explained.

"You can always do me darling." Fred smugly said, also walking in.

"Fred! Don't be so crude. Poor Georgie." You looked over at George looking highly disgusted.

"I think someone needs me over there." He pointed to an empty part of the store and stood in the corner. Lee was still somewhat laughing at Fred's joke.

"I understand anyway, you just sit solemn in a house all day everyday. I know you'll smash the interview." He said, smiling.

"Thanks Lee." You hugged him again.

"You've hugged him twice now, I've not even really had even a hello." Fred exclaimed.

"Sorry love, how are you." You walked up to him and let him lean down as you leant up, kissing him. He slightly intensified the kiss.

As you broke it, you moved back down awkwardly knowing some people definitely saw that.

"I think I could physically grasp the sexual tension between you both right now, has it been a little while."

"Lee!" You shouted, swatting his arm.

"What I'm joking I'm joking. Not really." You swatted him again, making him run off.

"Good luck though today darling, for real. I know they'd be lucky to have someone like you on board." He leant down and kissed you again, a little less intense.

"Make sure you are taking it easy working here. You're here a lot and i don't want you being all overworked and stuff." You said, placing a hand on his jawline.

"I'm not overworking myself, I'm content with the work I'm doing. Anyway you should probably be off, being late isn't a good first impression." He kissed you again and sent you off on your way.

As you walked through the alley towards the store you noticed a masked man in a dark cloak standing in the shadows. You briefly looked at him, but carried on walking a little faster.

As you passed him you lifted the hood of your cloak, trying to shield yourself. As you continued to walk you saw another man- standing alone in the darkness.

This time you drew out your wand clutching it in your sleeve, they were death eaters for sure- lurking in the alleys darkness.

Another, and another. They were lined in all dark areas. You were practically running at this point trying to reach your destination. It all seemed so sinister.

As you reached the door of the boutique, you turned around and saw one of the cloaked men standing still in the centre of the alley road- a fair distance away. He waved slowly before apparating away in a thick black fog.

You walked in, closing the door immediately.

"Are you okay dear?" The woman at the counter asked, seeing you in a slightly panicked state.

"Yes, sorry I though someone was following me." You took down your cloak hood.

"Merlins beard. It is you." The woman said, coming out from behind the counter.

"Excuse me?" You questioned.

"When I saw your name on the applicant sheet I didn't know it was one hundred percent you. Seeing your face, your a spitting image of your grandmother." She was admiring you.

"You knew her?" You asked.

"I did, she bought me this shop."

"She did?" You smiled, knowing you did something similar for Fred and George- after her passing you had found out you were much closer than you had originally thought.

"Right anyway, shall we get this interview done? There was a few applicants I have already met with and youre the last one." She pulled out a chair for you.

"So miss Bardot, what makes you different from anyone else?" The woman asked.

"I understand that I may not be as experience as the other applicants but I do have something they don't. I have the promise to you that I will do everything I can to maintain or even grow your business and bring you all the success I can." You informed.

"Brilliant, why do you want a job with me and not the ministry of magic? Seeing your grades you would have had full potential to get a very high ranking there."

"Well, I think the ministry can be quite corrupt. I know they hire a lot of their staff based off of their power in the wizarding world. I disapprove and don't want to be dragged into the boring normalities of working there." You stated.

"Interesting, what are you hoping to get out of this job?" She interrogated.

"I want to connect with more witches and wizards and support them in fashion choices using your items as reference." You smiled.

"Lovely, now one final thing. Do you have any questions for me?"

"What will my hours look like if I was to get the job?" You asked her.

"You can work however long you want, whatever day you want. However, we are closed on Mondays and sundays. The good thing about this job is you can have freedom in working as little or as much as you want." She said.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Please y/n, call me Clara."

"Then thank you Clara, I hope to hear from you soon." You stood up and shakes her hand leaving the store.

As you exited the door you put your cloak hood back up, scouting the surrounding area. You couldn't see anyone- but you didn't want to walk through the street alone again. You apparated back to the twins' store- staying for a while- mainly catching up with Lee.

Much shorter chapter than usual, it is kind of a filler/ introduction into my bigger plans- hope you don't mind. My uploading may be a little less irregular now I'm on my summer break.

insta- @afredwsimp
I'll see you all soon my people xoxo

Stay safe and well,
-i <33

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