"I'll be back"

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"Time for what?" You asked looking worried into Fred's eyes.

"Harry is at the castle, mum phoned. We have to get over there." He said.

"This isn't a prank is it?" You questioned, hoping it was.

"No darling. We have to go." He walked back out of the room to George who seemed to be pacing.

You stood for a second trying to analyse what Fred had just told you. This was it, the start of the end. No matter if it was your end or not, it was going to be over for some, inevitably.

You remembered Dumbledores last message to you, you had to use your power to protect as many people as you can. That weight now laid firmly on your shoulders, okay y/n Bardot we can do this.

You closed your door again and began to change clothes into something more appropriate. You took out a pair of causal jeans and a light hoodie with a cami top underneath. You put your hair up tightly to make sure it didn't fall out. You took your wand off your dresser and you were ready to go. Fred came barging in pulling out a pair of jeans, a turtleneck and a jacket he had that matched George. It was a different colour but they were the same style.

"Freddie, please stop freaking out." You said, seeing the stress in Fred's eyes.

"I can't. You have to promise me something." He began.

"Fred, we can't make promises here. Not yet. We make them when we're there, okay? Nothings going to happen to us." You gave him a small kiss and held your hand on his cheek, leaving the room shortly after. As you left you saw George eating a sandwich in your kitchen, wearing the same outfit Fred was putting on.

"You okay Bardot?" He asked.

"I'd be lying if I said yes." You walked past him and made yourself a sandwich too, for a small snack to eat. 

"We ready?" Fred asked, standing at your door frame, coming into the main living areas.

"I think so, do you know how we're going to get in?"

"Y/n, you should know of all people. We know our ways." George winked.

You were walking through a secret passage way towards the other members of the order, whom you assumed were going to be in the castle already. You got the portrait and pushed it open, Fred had kept hold of your hand through the whole journey.

"Y/n Bardot." You heard whispers amongst the crowd of children, you also saw other members of the order hugging and reuniting with people.

Fred jumped out the portrait fist and held out his hand for you to take.

"Lupin. What are you doing here?" You asked walking over to Remus.

"I have to be here for Harry." He exclaimed, trying to seem prepared and not at all frightened.

"You have to be home for teddy." You said, in hope he would stay home and protect his family.

"I have to do this, I'm the last marauder standing at the end of the day." He tried to laugh, but his smile faded.

"Please be safe." You walked over to the other members and greeted them, wishing them to be safe through whatever was about to unfold.

You were then left to go back to the twins.

"I'm not saying it yet." You refused to even remotely wish them their safety because in your mind nothing was going to go wrong.

"We have to be ready though soon y/n. They're coming." Fred said, putting a hand onto your cheek, a thing that you usually done to him. You felt calm yet so on edge.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now