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Reflecting on the night before brung a smile to your face. The New Years kiss was different from the others, it had a meaning. It wasn't a kiss of a desire that needs to be fulfilled but one of emotion.

Maybe I do like him, like him. It would seem as though your liking towards Fred was obvious, but you ignored it as much as you could. You were always surrounded by failing relationships growing up, and you didn't want to ruin your friendship with Fred. You got out of bed and began getting ready for the day.

While doing your hair a knock sounded at the door, you walked over and opened it to find Charlotte stumbling in still in last nights clothes.

"Well what do I have rolling up on my doorstep?" You asked sarcastically.

"Can I stay in here for a while, everyone is so loud in my dorm." She pleaded.

You moved aside so she could fully enter your room, she fell onto your bed practically falling asleep instantly, you let her sleep.

Planning of Charlottes birthday party was already in full swing, regardless of the fact it was a month and a half away. She had always been very critical to any planned parties that she isn't involved in, saying they aren't good enough or trashy- you needed all time you could get to make it as perfect as possible.

You turned as Charlotte began lightly snoring on your bed. You shifted her body slightly and pulled your covers over her, letting her rest. You pulled some paracetamol out of your bed side table and a glass of water for when she woke up.

You hadn't yet tried your camera you got for Christmas, so you took it from your vanity and left your dorm.

"Okay, we need to charm this piece of film for the camera with their infinity charm." Lee directed.

You picked your wand and followed the direction to charm the film.

"Done." You told him.

"Done? Okay. Now you put it inside the opening at the back of the camera, and it should be good to go." You turned the camera round and found the slot for the paper, you put it in and scooted over to Lee.

You changed the setting to a still photo, extending your arm and taking a polaroid of you and Lee. You waited for the film to come out and shook the photo, so it developed quicker.

"Look, I think it works, I think we should take another one." You suggested, "a moving one this time. I can then try the timer setting on it."

"Okay, what should we do for it?" Lee asked.

"Uh, spin me round or something. These don't have to look perfect, they're only testers. I will keep them obviously but." You replied.

Lee stood and moved backwards, waiting for you to run and beat the timer. As you pressed the button you got back to Lee, as it clicked he spun you, which made you both start laughing as you couldn't be serious.

"What you two doing?" Fred asked walking towards you and Lee with George.

"Putting together my new camera, it was quite simple, I think we should all take some photos, I'll put them in a cute box." You told them.

"Can we take some photos now?" George eagerly asked, looking at the two you and Lee took.

"Of course Georgie, what photos do you want to take?"

"Something stupid, or something wholesome." He suggested.

"Why don't we all sit on the couch, we can take another one later if Angelina and Charlotte come down." Fred said.

"That's a good idea. Everyone on the couch." Lee stated, waving his finger around.

"Should it be a still one or a moving one?" You said setting up the camera.

"Do a still one." George replied.

You changed the settings and turned on the timer, as you turned you realised the boys had taken up the whole sofa. You panicked not knowing where to sit, as Fred pulled you into his lap. You just hit it as the flash went off.

"You almost ruined that one y/n." Fred told you, still on his lap.

"You two need to bang. I swear. I don't really want you to but, Jesus." George said.

"I second that." Lee added.

They both got up and walked to another part of the common room. Leaving you and Fred again.

"Got any New Years resolutions?" You asked, breaking the silence.

"Working on our shop, I want to make new things and save money for the actual shop itself." He told you, "have you got any?"

"I've got a few things in mind, but nothings set final yet so I'm not sure. I need to go upstairs and check on Charlotte, I hope you don't mind."

"No not at all, I'll probably just open my potions homework and close it again."

You stood up and went into your dorm, as you walked in Charlotte was drinking the water you left.

"You've had sex with Fred, haven't you?" She asked.


"I was going through your drawer to find something stronger than paracetamol and came across some condoms, it was a pack of ten but there was only nine, so I'm assuming you and Fred did it." She exposed you.

"Fine. We did. You cannot tell a soul." You demanded.

"I wouldn't dream of it. So how was it?"

"It was nice when we got into it, but my god did it hurt."

"Was if your first time?" She asked.

You nodded. You lightly talked about it, avoiding any details, getting some advice from Charlotte if you decided to do it again.

She soon got up and left your room, going to her own. You took the photos from before and pinned them up onto your wall, finding yourself grinning at the pictures.

This chapter is slightly shorter than the others but it is a filler chapter, so that's why. Also thank you so much for 12k reads!! That's insane to me (18.03.2021)

Love you all xox
-i <33

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