Sleeping in the Great Hall

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After changing you were supervised to the Great hall where you had to pick a sleeping bag to sleep in.

You noticed Fred and George laying horizontally over three sleeping bags.

"Ah y/n finally you're here, we saved you a sleeping bag." George said while pointing to the sleeping bag in the middle of the three.

"Sandwiched between you two hm? Could be in a worse position." You stated.

You stood next to your sleeping bag and dropped your dressing gown so you were just stood in your night dress, it was black, satin and fairly short. You looked down after putting your hair up to see Fred gawking at you.

"Damn Fred get Colin to take a photo or something."

His face and the tip of his ears immediately went blush as he was caught out on his actions.

"Aren't you going to get cold?" Fred quickly asked.

"Yeah I think so but what can you do, it's too late now." You replied.

You got into your sleeping bag and bid your good nights to the twins, and the rest of the friend group who were a few people down.

You laid awake in your sleeping bag for a long time, evidently quite cold. You looked over to George who was snoring ever so slightly, and Fred who was also asleep.

"Ah fuck it." You got out your sleeping bag and poked Fred's shoulder, "Fred are you awake?" You asked, knowing you had in fact woke him up.

"What's wrong y/n?" He asked with a tired voice.

"I'm really cold, can I get in there with you?"

He almost instantly lifted the sleeping back so you could get in with him. You didn't quite know how to lay with him, but decided that being a little spoon wouldn't hurt anybody.

You curled your body to fit perfectly in his, as his arm draped over your waist. You could feel the fabric of his pyjama trousers against your bare legs, and could smell the scent of cinnamon radiating off his body.

It didn't take long for you to fall asleep warm in Fred's embrace.

The following morning
You woke up the next morning in almost the same position you had fallen asleep in. You could feel Fred's light slumber exhales against your neck, this was.. nice.

But then you noticed something. Your butt was ever so slightly pressed against Fred's lap, to which you then noticed something poking at you. You stayed lying down for a split moment before it hit you. Oh no.

It was exactly what you thought it was, Fred's morning boner pressing against your body. You didn't quite know how to react, and noticed many other people beginning to wake up. You poked Fred's shoulder again, and he woke up. It took him a second to gain his senses, when you noticed his eyes widen.

"Uh y/n?" Fred asked almost stuttering.

He knew that you knew what was going on. Little did you know that the whole group were now also awake and approaching you and Fred.

You didn't want people to see or notice so you grabbed your dressing gown and chucked it over Fred's lap. He sat up straight holding it down slightly.

"Well good morning you two." Charlotte said looking between me and Fred.

"Why you sleeping in the same sleeping bag?" Angelina asked, it was a strange tone for her, one you've never really heard before.

"Oh I got really cold and asked Fred if he could be my personal hot water bottle." You awkwardly laughed.

"Right." Angelina added.

"Gryffindor students up and back to your dorms to get ready please and thank you." McGonagall ordered.

You stood up and held out your hands for Fred to take, to stand up. He looked at your hands, then your eyes then back to his lap.

"Put my dressing gown on, if anyone asks say you had no other choice and that you were cold." After your offer he did just that and took your hands.

"Not bad Weasley, bit short on the arms, but it suits you." You said beginning to walk out of the hall.

You got back into your dorm, closed the door and flopped onto your bed.

What the fuck.

Fred's POV
I woke up from my sleep to someone poking me. I hesitantly opened my eyes to see y/n,

"What's wrong y/n? I asked to her.

"I'm really cold, can I get in there with you?

I did what anyone would do, I opened up my sleeping back and wriggled back making room for her. It was clear that neither of us knew how to lay with each other, but she moved herself into the groves of my body, so she could be a little spoon.

I was instantly hit with the light scent of lavender as she got in, and fell asleep almost instantly.

A familiar feeling of poking woke me once again. I looked at her slightly embarrassed and concerned face as she was sitting up. I was laying down waking up fully before I felt a familiar feeling from my member. Oh no.

"Uh y/n? I said to see if she noticed.

I looked into her eyes but we both had noticed the group coming towards us. She quickly chucked her dressing gown at me, to help me cover my issue. I was too overwhelmed by embarrassment, so I let her answer everything people were asking.

Very soon after McGonagall called out for the Gryffindors to exit and return to their dorms. Shit shit shit. That's all I thought, my situation has most definitely not been sorted yet, and if I stand now the whole school will see.

She stood there with her hands out but I could accept them quite yet.

"Put my dressing gown on, if anyone asks say you had no other choice and that you were cold." I put it on and took her hands, trying not to take her down with me if I put all my weight into them.

She sarcastically complimented me in her dressing gown before we walked out of the hall together.

The walk was almost silent, I got back in my dorm and laid down on my bed.

What the fuck.

Probably no one will read this (maybe Maddie if I'm lucky) but if you are reading this please share and interact!
Thank you xo
- i <3

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