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You had one of the most peaceful sleeps while in your own bed next to Fred. He didn't let you go at all during the night, you could feel his soft exhales from his nose against your neck through his slumber.

If you had woken up at all, his tight grip would send you straight back to sleep without any hesitation.

This time you woke up, but you weren't tired anymore- meaning you weren't going back to sleep. Fred still seemed sound asleep. You tried to sit up in your bed without waking him. You were successful, however Fred's grip was now on your hip as his arm laid across your lap.

You stayed like this for a while, reading a book with one hand as the other held his arm and rubbed it with your thumb. You looked down and saw his eyes were twitching slightly, he was waking up.

"Morning Freddie." You said quietly, brushing the hair from the side of his face.

"Good morning darling." He smiled and began stretching.

You closed your book and waited for Fred to fully wake up.

"How long have you been up?" He asked you.

"I'd say about an hour maybe." You responded.

"Your beds extremely comfortable." He said slowly sitting up.

"Only the best of the best for me." You sarcastically responded.

Fred was leaning over wanting to give you a small kiss, "fred, I've not brushed my teeth yet." You said, covering your mouth.

"Should we go and brush our teeth then?" He questioned, looking a little frustrated.

"Sure." You took his hand and dragged you out of the bed and into the bathroom, "I have a toothbrush here for you." You handed him a spare toothbrush and began brushing your teeth together.

"Do you want to go for a shower too?" He asked you, turning to look at the shower.

"We can do, I'll turn it on now so the water can heat up." You left the sink and turned on the shower.

You waited it out a little for the water to get to the right temperature and got some towels instead for you and Fred.

You got back in the bathroom and began to undress, you closed your eyes and done it slowly remembering how your body once looked before it mostly healed.

You walked into the shower and rinsed your body under the water. Fred came in not too long after. He instantly picked up your shampoo bottle and put some on his hand, rubbing it through your hair. He clearly liked doing that, every time you showered together he would always want to wash your hair for you.

You felt the soapy water falling down your back. Fred held your shoulders to signify he had finished letting you rinse your hair fully.

After you hand finished you stepped back slightly, Fred was very close. You looked down as he was steadily moving his hand to your thigh.

"Can I do this darling?" He asked you.

"Yes." You said, nodding your head a little.

"Tell me when to stop at any point." He told you, slowly tracing his hand up your body from your thigh. You felt your body slightly twitching and your breath becoming heavier, but it wasn't from fear this time, it was from desires.

Fred's hand slowly made its way around your neck as he tilted your head back, he leaned over you and kissed you. Your broke the kiss and looked at his face that was towered over you. You looked deeply into both eyes and felt that passion again.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now