Easter Break

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It was the day of everyone leaving to go home for around 2 weeks. You were supposed to be going to Charlottes, but from recent events it was a definite no for that. George insisted you came to the burrow and avoid Fred, like you had been doing around the castle. But you declined. Cho and Cedric both offered but you decided it would be much easier to stay at the castle.

You sat on the sofa, reading you book, with your legs along the entirety of it. Everyone passed you with their trunks in hand.

"Y/n, you owl me if anything happens okay?" Lee said.

"I will, have fun." You smiled as he exited.

"Are you sure you can't come home with me. I can kick Fred out our room. Or you can sleep in Ginnys room."

"Sorry Georgie. I'm staying here." You replied.

You smiled and waved to Angelina as she left. Completely ignored Charlotte as she walked past and looked up for a spilt second as Fred walked past. You turned to see him leave, he was hesitating at the portrait door. He began to turn so you faced your book again. Not long after you heard the portrait door open and he was gone.

The whole two weeks to myself. This won't be too bad.

You had scheduled to spend some time with Dumbledore learning more about the gift you had gotten from your grandmother, and a way to use it whenever you need.

You waited until after lunch and went to his office. You knocked on his door.

"Come in." Dumbledore said, "ah y/n Bardot. Here to practise? We can't do it here." He stood from his desk and signalled you to follow him out of his office and towards an empty and unused classroom. There stood a dummy in the middle of it.

"Now, I have been looking into what you have been gifted with, I like to call it the deep force. It's a force you can release from things you feel deep down. It's remarkable. And at this moment you can't really control it, but that's what I'm here to teach you."

"Sir, is it dangerous?" You asked.

"No, it can be used and often is to cause harm but it won't cause anyone any real danger. Now you have only used it in a heat of the moment emotion, am I right?" Dumbledore questioned.

"Well kind of, one time yes but the other time I was kind of reflecting almost and it happened again. I tried to contain it and my eyes went all weird." You explained.

"Weird how?"

"Well my pupils took up nearly my whole eye and they went all bloodshot round the edges."

"Interesting. So you know one thing I needed to talk you about it. You can make this force though thinking. Much like the patronus charm you can use deep down emotions to conjure it. I want to help you y/n."

"So you're saying I could make this force whenever I need, just by delving into my feelings?" You asked.

"Yes, and we can practise whenever you want. I do not want you to abuse it though y/n, this is a very rare and powerful thing." He warned.

"Trust me I wont abuse it. Please teach me to control it though, I don't want to hurt someone." You pleaded.

He showed you ways to conjure the force and how to hold it. It consisted of some type of breathing control and eye contact once the force can be felt. It was all new and confusing to you, but it was quite exciting to have something, other than the vault, that no other student had.

After a few hours of practicing control and practicing the force you were exhausted and decided to go for a small nap before dinner, to regain your strength.

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